The terrible constraint on organ transplantation is that every life extended depends on the death of someone young enough and healthy enough to have organs worth transplanting.
The terrible constraint on organ transplanation is that every life extended depends on the death of someone young enough and healthy enough to have organs worth transplanting.
Dispelling researchers' initial doubts, computer models have confirmed that this formation is buoyant enough to rise slowly within the mantle and strong enough to push Africa upward as it rises.
People thought this way: tea is good enough for the Emperor, so it must be good enough for the people.
The key to forming a black hole is cramming enough mass or energy into a small enough volume, as happens when a massive star collapses.
The key to forming a black hole is cramming enough mass or energy into a small enough volume as happens when a massive star collapses.
You are strong enough to do the tough bits of parenting. You're wise enough to know how important a strong parent is.
The external adjustment is most unlikely to be big enough or fast enough to offset the slowdown in domestic demand, particularly given the constraints on fiscal action.
The application is simple enough to be clearly illustrative, yet complex enough to provide non-trivial optimization opportunities.
It's hard to agree, but the conclusion is that UI is not protected by law, just because it is not artistic enough, not original enough.
The hope is that the new product will grow fast enough and carry high enough profit margins to more than make up for the demise of all revenue from the old line.
But the need to win at someone else's expense is rooted in the fear there's not enough of something to go around. Not enough glory, fame, power, praise, love, success.
This is the stage at which a learner is most dangerous - they know enough to think they know more, but not enough to keep themselves out of trouble!
I agree entirely with the sentiment that if the project is not important enough to have a user representative, then it is not important enough to even do.
There is food enough and water enough, but the weather we cannot control.
You need enough ignorance to believe the impossible is possible and enough confidence to turn the impossibility into a reality.
The tests should cover features important enough to help you judge whether the product is stable enough to enter the next development phase.
Get enough people to favor enough restriction, and the state is good to go, administering every aspect of life.
The location should be private enough that their lunch is not interrupted, but public enough that others in the lunch room can see what is happening.
There is probably enough demand (to hit that number) in the third quarter but there's probably not enough supply.
Yet the fact that not enough oil is coming out of the ground does not mean not enough of it is there.
Tell the White House enough is enough.
Each pool is small enough to fit in a shot glass, and big enough to model the world.
The problem for Bangladesh is that it is very densely populated, and there are not enough jobs and not enough land.
Traditional blood analyzers can count cells and extract information about their size, but they cannot take pictures of every cell because no camera is fast enough and sensitive enough for the job.
With enough data, and by running enough statistical tests, it is easy enough to find a significant effect, given the probabilistic nature of the statistical methods used.
"I want to create an institution that is around long enough and is nimble enough to meet the needs of my members in 2020, not just 2006," she says.
So even assuming the subject is crazy enough to adjust to the schedule and iron-willed enough to stay on it, for many people it simply isn't possible.
So even assuming the subject is crazy enough to adjust to the schedule and iron-willed enough to stay on it, for many people it simply isn't possible.