I was left with puzzlement as to the existence or nonexistence of God.
This is a time-honored argument for the existence of a God who created human beings in his image and imbued them with a moral sense, as well as the free will to follow, or ignore, it.
In fact, God spoke to them from the very beginning of their existence as humans (Genesis 1:28-30).
事实上,上帝自他们存在之初就将他们叫做人类(创世纪1:28 - 30)。
The fourth branch of metaphysics is Natural or Rational Theology. The notion of God, or God as a possible being, the proofs, of his existence, and his properties, formed the study of this branch.
The ontological argument as a transcendental argument is about the existence of a rational proof of God.
Atheism is not the same as agnosticism, which holds that we can have knowledge neither of the existence nor of the nonexistence of God.
Anselm observed that if God is defined as "the being greater than whom nothing can be conceived," then to deny the existence of such a being lands one in a contradiction.
This concept of creating , the image of God , focuses on its existence and a ride for walking on the land. As a result , people dread facing God but expect its giving.
这次的概念,我不让神会飞或不合罗辑的存在,而是将衪能更具存在感,而让她有一个坐骑, 让衪步行在这片大地上,让遇到的衪的人对它充满了恐惧,又期望他的施舍。
This concept of creating , the image of God , focuses on its existence and a ride for walking on the land. As a result , people dread facing God but expect its giving.
这次的概念,我不让神会飞或不合罗辑的存在,而是将衪能更具存在感,而让她有一个坐骑, 让衪步行在这片大地上,让遇到的衪的人对它充满了恐惧,又期望他的施舍。