Highlord Mograine the Ashbringer, the former leader of the Scarlet Crusade and father of Scarlet Commander Mograine, is one of the Four Horsemen in the black citadel of Naxxramas.
One of the four horsemen of the evolutionary synthesis of the 1940s, Theodosius Dobzhansky played a crucial role in bridging the gap between theoretical and empirical approaches in genetics.
However, in couples therapy there are the Gottman Institute's "four horsemen of the apocalypse" signs, which are good to know about and look for.
It was followed by the four other horsemen of the 2008 credit apocalypse: Morgan Stanley (1986), Bear Stearns (1985), Lehman Bros. (1994), and Goldman Sachs (1999).
At one point, you see all four Horsemen staring around them at photos and evidence that the Eye has been working hard behind the scenes, orchestrating far more than they originally thought.
At one point, you see all four Horsemen staring around them at photos and evidence that the Eye has been working hard behind the scenes, orchestrating far more than they originally thought.