The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of imagination.
Rowling came up with two themes, captured neatly in the title of the address itself: "the Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination."
Fringe benefits here include a cigar club, the fastest lifts in the world, and the chance to snap peregrine falcons as they migrate past your no doubt hermetically sealed expanse of window.
And there are fringe benefits to the scale of the operation here too: the quick turnover of pasties here means you get them straight-from-the-oven-hot as opposed to heat-lamp warm.
Fringe benefits here include a cigar club, the fastest lifts in the world, and the chance to snap peregrine falcons as they migrate past your no doubt hermetically sealed expanse of window.
The multiplier for the estimate of man-hour costs to take care of overheads and fringe benefits.
However, for employees, the tax treatment of fringe benefits varies.
The multiplier for the estimate of man-hour costs to take care of overheads and fringe benefits.
Jack: Would you please tell me about fringe benefits of the company?
杰克 :你们公司的福利待遇非常优厚,能够提供五险一金真是太好了。
Jack: Would you please tell me about fringe benefits of the company?
杰克 :你们公司的福利待遇非常优厚,能够提供五险一金真是太好了。