LI: Is that the Golden mean invited by Confucius?
You'll also stick to the golden mean do you have?
A sage once reduced all virtue to the golden mean.
No surprise many photographers choose the golden mean: the medium format!
The golden mean says moderation in all things is the best way to live one's life.
However, the golden mean is not the only reference point for the appreciation of beauty.
The second possible application is directly based on the crossing points of the Golden Mean.
"The golden mean" is not a simple average and compromise, but unbiased, not less and not much.
The Confucianists' thought of "the Golden mean" had the great influence on Chinese traditional spirit.
His Greek counterpart Aristotle takes the Golden Mean not only as a virtue, but also a kind of happiness.
Never go to extremes, the right way are the Golden Mean, I think they should be group of pragmatic idealist.
This snail art car, aka "the Golden Mean," sits on the grass at the San Mateo Fairgrounds, the home of the fourth-annual Maker Faire.
Between his reading and his measurements, he began to home in on a simple mathematical formula known as the Golden Mean, or Golden Section.
The Golden Mean is a ratio that appears to connect (in some uncanny way) with all sorts of sensually pleasing creations, man-made and organic.
The Golden Mean, or Section, has been used as an ideal proportion on which to base the framework of lines and shapes in the design of painting.
In philosophy, especially that of Aristotle, the golden mean is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency.
Right. The Golden Mean, or Section, has been used as an ideal proportion on which to base the framework of lines and shapes in the design of painting.
The philosophic connotation of doctrine of the golden mean could be summarized as four principles, namely moderation, integrity, flexibility and harmony.
The feasibility of Golden mean is an important in the Confuciuss thought, specially the "using intermediate"that manifested feasibility of the Golden mean.
Based on the common philosophy of the golden mean, this kind of love starts from the family members and then spreads to the society and the whole universe.
When tentatively applying the satire and the eulogy to express, it turns to the attitude and maneuver of the golden mean and mildness for helpand develop a creative way of "compromise" then.
The author of this paper, therefore, upholds that a perfect version of the original verses' style should only be based upon the golden mean practice of keeping both of original "form" and "content".
The "Rule of the Thirds" is actually nothing else than a simplification of the "Golden Mean".
He himself recognised the danger of that in one of those golden speeches: "Rules must be binding." Violations must be punished. Words must mean something.
35 mm film has the dimensions 36 mm by 24 mm (3:2 ratio) - golden mean ration of 1.6 to 1 Points of intersection are recommended as places to position important elements in your picture.
Golden mean in Confucianism is the ideology of fathering and managing enterprise.
The notion of "Golden Mean" was deemed as the "Greatest Virtue" by Confucius, and the "Sublime Good" and "Supreme Beauty" by Arisotle.
The notion of "Golden Mean" was deemed as the "Greatest Virtue" by Confucius, and the "Sublime Good" and "Supreme Beauty" by Arisotle.