The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette.
A city is like any product, it has to be packaged properly to be attractive to the consumer.
Whitout Jobs to sprinkle his star dust on the event, it felt like just another product launch from just another technology firm.
The color of the product is white like silk.
Like many of today's great inventions, the microwave oven was a by-product of another technology.
The most popular reason given was: "I like to hold the product."
The most loyal customers would still get the product they favor, the idea goes, and they'd feel like they were helping sustain the quality of something they believe in.
Whitout Jobs to sprinkle his stardust on the event, it felt like just another product launch from just another technology firm.
If the product has an image, like my rendition of a stick-robot, it appears.
The product is a legal though dangerous product that should be sold with a warning, like a chainsaw.
Avoid generic names that literally describe the product or service, like Computer Consulting Company, Appliance Sales and service, Inc., etc.
As a result, much of the information that is available on paternity has emerged, like the 1970 Liverpool study, as a by-product of studies with other aims.
Core product areas like the profile, search, the home page, and groups.
Like most product category names, the term native XML database is a bit misleading.
Like its product, the company's culture seems to be based on long-distance communication.
The product domain primarily focuses on the product entity and the characteristics of the specific product (like attributes, rules, terms and conditions, pricing, risk, and so on).
She selects what bag size she wants, then the app asks her to enter when and where she'd like the product delivered.
In addition to distributing attacks on brand reputation, companies use social media to keep a finger on the pulse of crises like a product recall, or to monitor the progress of a new product launch.
We are involved with all of the major issues of the product, like large site performance, e-commerce, clustering, and Web applications.
He then presents 6 tips to improve how the product looks like.
Some of the capabilities provided by a product like DB2 Connect and the DB2 family's support for stored procedures are shown in Figure 5 below
下面的图5展示了DB2Connect 之类产品提供的一些功能以及 DB2家族对存储过程的支持。
Who would not like to look like the beautiful models that are depicted enjoying the product?
The purpose of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will ’be like’ the person in the ad.
The product announcement read more like a technology showcase than an announcement for a product that is actually meant to help people communicate, collaborate or make their lives better in any way.
He points out that Dior and Vuitton are making more bespoke goods for their wealthiest clients, who want a say in what the final product looks like.
Is there a healthy food product you would like to see on the shelves?
Like the toaster link should go to the toaster product page, not the Amazon home page.
Like the toaster link should go to the toaster product page, not the Amazon home page.