High class restaurants aren't for the likes of us.
The locals are usually surprised and amused to see the likes of us there, and are often interested to see what we're attempting to purchase.
If you fall below the new 50% tax rate, apart from a bit more VAT, nothing much has been taken from the likes of us to ease the national crisis.
For years and years they grow, without paying any attention to us, in meadows, in forests, and by the side of rivers — all things one likes to think about.
'she really enjoys performing for us and I'm pretty sure she is showing off. She likes to be the centre of attention.
What's the point of having someone come [to us] occasionally who likes a headline they see in Google?
It will just tell us what letters any particular cell likes to connect to, and it will of course tell us the letter of this particular cell (which can also be a blank tile).
They might just be the type of person who likes hanging around with successful people to make themselves look good which, Cialdini and colleagues demonstrate, describes a lot of us!
The cabbage leaf turns into a a lady, and people notice that well as before, at least the movie doesn't show us that anybody likes her, and after, lots of people are interested in her.
The cabbage leaf turns into a a lady, and people notice that well as before, at least the movie doesn't show us that anybody likes her, and after, lots of people are interested in her.
On one hand, I hope everybody likes it, on the other hand, I hope all of you join us.
She likes to wear clothes of some not very bright, giving us the feeling of always so plain.
He likes smiling. He tells us one of the most important things in the world is to live happily.
She really enjoys performing for us and I'm pretty sure she is showing off. She likes to be the centre of attention.
Why did he paint The Starry Night? Maybe because the sky is beautiful, and everybody likes looking at it, and it reminds us that something's up there watching over all of us.
We do not request your high school record, only requests to have the positive optimistic point of view, likes selling the work to be ambitious the gentleman to join us.
Everyone often likes to pretend they know exactly what the year to come will bring, but alas, few of us are ever right on the money.
People are fond of saying that you can't nursing a bell. But some words ring out likes church bells, rising above the din, calling us to the truth.
Lately Bonera has been receiving a good amount of praise from the likes of Ancelotti, Galliani and the rest of the squad but it was time for us to add in our two cents as well.
Inquire about the school parking rent cars very cheap, three money can ride one day, then each of us have gone to the garage to pick a car she likes satisfied with the start of today's journey.
We certaiinly have more than our share of the good things on earth. But I don't think we're blessed with so much because God likes us better or because politicians are always asking Him to bless uw.
I don't know what's going on with us and Ican't tell you should waste a leap of faith on the likes of me.
We determine our value by the number of thumbs ups we receive on social media. We don't feel important or likeable until our friends validate us with public "likes."
American strongest magnate of cars says Thinking is the hardest work in this world, so few of us likes to focus on this.
美国汽车大王福特说:“如果说成功有什么秘诀的话,那就是理解他人。” 学会理解的关键是学会换位思考。
American strongest magnate of cars says Thinking is the hardest work in this world, so few of us likes to focus on this.
美国汽车大王福特说:“如果说成功有什么秘诀的话,那就是理解他人。” 学会理解的关键是学会换位思考。