We find that the liquidity index of volume are more fluctuant than other liquidity index of spread, the market liquidity is correlated with trading activity significantly.
Compared to mature markets of the developed countries, our interest rate swap market has just begun, the size of the market is still vey small, the market liquidity is very lack.
More troubling to proponents of modern finance was the crippling impact on market liquidity of uncertainty about the scale of risks and who held them.
The paper also underlines some lessons about market liquidity that have been painfully learned outside of academia in the recent market troubles.
The world currently is willing to pay up for the liquidity and security of this market.
Traditional marketmakers earned a spread in return for the requirement to provide liquidity in all market conditions.
The secondary market, however, is prone to worries about liquidity and bouts of panic.
The fundamental problem is the nature of market liquidity.
So when confidence in equities is high, there is a huge surge of liquidity into the stock market that bids up domestic share prices to unrealistic levels.
The art of securitisation, as it is called, adds liquidity to the market and allows risks to be parcelled out to those most eager to bear them.
In the disarray, some huge superfast-trading hedge funds that now provide much of the liquidity for the stock market pulled to the sidelines.
Since market liquidity may deteriorate when you need to sell in the future, investors face market liquidity risk as discussed above.
They were set up (see article) to provide liquidity for the housing market by buying mortgages from the Banks.
A year ago the BoJ declared deflation dead and ended its five-year experiment with "quantitative easing", which involved flooding the market with excess liquidity.
We increase the liquidity of the secondary bond market.
This funding liquidity is linked to a second facet, market liquidity-the ease with which assets can be sold without losing their value.
这种资金流动性与第二个层面的市场流动性是结合在一起的- - - - -有了它资产可以不被贬值的售出。
It would diversify the investor base and increase market size and liquidity.
Investors naturally want to be compensated for this, so market liquidity risk increases the required return.
The classic justification for market-making and other types of trading is that they endow the market with liquidity, and throughout the financial industry I heard the same argument over and over.
"The programs offered were meant to provide liquidity backstops as well as instill confidence in the market," Citi said.
Scared investors rushed into the safest dollar assets, lured by the liquidity of the vast market for us Treasuries, as the euro area was revealed as a mess of fragmented bond markets.
Providing direct liquidity to the market, restructuring the banking sector, may have more influence on demand than interest rates.
"Their new bonds are well subscribed and transactions in the secondary market are active, while liquidity is ample," it said.
"Their new bonds are well subscribed and transactions in the secondary market are active, while liquidity is ample," it said.