The subject of the fourth resolution discussed by the ministers was mountain forests.
The ministers have at least put their finger on a passion, currently squandered on the English Premier League.
The ministers were called up to discuss this.
He forced all the ministers to pay homage to the monument monthly!
But he was also one of the ministers who sent them into battle.
Until recently, the ministers thought they had averted imminent catastrophe.
And Jehu said to the keeper of the wardrobe, 'Bring robes for all the ministers of Baal.'
As in most EU meetings, the ministers all speak for the same lobby, in this case the fishermen.
The ministers also indicated the common goal of ending the Colonel Moammar Gadhafi's rule in Libya.
The ministers indicated the willingness to conduct three-party cooperation to cope with new threats and challenges.
The ministers stressed that these were “not targets”. They would be set with “national or regional circumstances” in mind.
The ministers are in the Indonesian resort of Bali for the annual meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
So he thought out a way to test how high his prestige among the ministers was and also to find out who dared to oppose him.
To assist the ministers in handling daily routines and complete other tasks assigned by the Party Leading Group and ministers.
But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses.
The ministers agreed that the fight against terrorism should be continued unswervingly and no double standards should be adopted.
She did that for three days, with the ministers calling on her, and the doctors, trying to persuade her to let them dispose of the body.
The Divers Association of Maldives said the ministers, who had trained over the past two months, felt confident about the unprecedented meeting.
The scientists' proposals that precede the annual allocation of quotas are routinely expanded, first by the commission and then by the ministers.
The ministers agreed to agree by April on a set of "indicative guidelines" which would be used to assess countries' domestic and external balances.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
I think the discussion at the lunch should finally help that work go forward with a clear understanding of what the Ministers feel are the outstanding issues.
The ministers responded sharply to a call by Lawrence Summers, the White House economic adviser, for everyone in the G20 to focus on boosting global demand.
The ministers expect the IMF to chip in “at least half as much” as European countries, just as it did for the rescue of Greece and, before that, for Latvia.
The ministers exchanged in-depth views on deepening trilateral cooperation and on international and regional issues of common concern, and reached important consensus.
Mr Lamy should publish what has been agreed so far. Ideally, the ministers would then meditate over the summer on what they have lost—and he could then ask for a final push.
Mr Lamy should publish what has been agreed so far. Ideally, the ministers would then meditate over the summer on what they have lost—and he could then ask for a final push.