Pure white memory has and you the most happy time.
But accompany you together to be drenched is I the most happy time!
In your heart, I see myself, the most happy time I will accompany you.
Perhaps this is also the time when the most naive (I call it a child), the most happy time.
Youth is the most happy time in life, but this is often because it is full of hope. - Carlile.
Youth is the most happy time in life, but this is often because it is full of hope, not because of what has been or what to escape.
The warmest words in the heart, the most happy time at the moment, the best career has stopped, the most beautiful smile has bloomed.
The Councillor boldly declared the time of King Hans to be the noblest and the most happy period.
So we play out this charade of happy families and most of the time life trundles along much as before, more or less happily.
因此我们维持着这字谜般的快乐家庭,大部分时候生活与以前没什么不同地——多多少少快乐地—— 向前滚动着。
Most of the time, I just sing to myself, and if it happens to make others happy, then it's not a bad thing.
Still, he said, the data show that people who spend the most time watching television are least happy in the long run.
Don't forget that most stores, including online stores will be happy to gift wrap your gift for you, to save you the time and effort.
When I'm feeling happy about our marriage — which is most of the time, by a significant margin — that happiness is enhanced by the freedom with which we chose it.
In my earlier example, I likened the internal behavior of iteration mechanisms to the internal workings of the memory manager: most of the time you're happy not worrying about those details.
Fortunately, one of our most replicated findings is that most people are mildly happy most of the time.
However, that's it what humans precious the most, for it represent the happy time of our childhood.
Most of the time, see through but not too happy, rather naive meixinmeifei.
At the same time, though, most publishers also aren't exactly happy with Amazon either.
Most of the time, not happy not because conditions are not ready, but because live enough simple.
Time is very bitter, but the time is my most happy days.
Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason.
Think of a person, be at oneself meet the most happy affair of time, will think, if does he know, will share a happiness together with me.
My employees make me happy most of the time.
In the time with special this, give you special blessing. I most like, valentine's day happy!
In the time with special this, give you special blessing. I most like, valentine's day happy!