You may not count in the new world order!
A treatise on prisons became a meditation on the new world order.
There is no such group as the New World Order, though many have espoused this philosophy.
The battle lines of the new world order were exposed at the world Trade Organization this week.
The idea of a harmonious world represents the pursuit of constructing the new world order.
But then came the new world order whose defining story was that there was no defining story.
The new world order would be ruled together by a male, to represent reflection, and a female, to represent sentiment.
The important message is that the dynamics of the new world order are driven as much by rivalries between rising powers as by how they get along with the west.
The trilateral cooperation among China, Russia and India not only improves the environment around China but also fosters the establishment of the new world order.
During the age when globalization deepens the interdependence among countries, we should impel the formation of multipolar pattern to realize the new world order.
The new world order from concept of realism balance the power as the central building and other single-stage, two-stage, multi-level theoretical models of world order.
The Denver airport has long been rumored to have some association with the New world Order, surviving a global catastrophe, and systematic reduction of the world's population.
一直以来有传言说丹佛机场与“新世界秩序”有某些联系- - - - - - - - -在全球大灾劫中幸存下来,有计划有步骤地削减世界上的人口。
The end of the Cold War has produced the prospect of a new world order based on international co-operation.
Ms. Lenders said World Health Organization research reported 90 percent of young Australians and New Zealanders were not getting the minimum daily levels of activity they needed in order to lead a healthy life.
The regimes he is so assiduously cultivating are, by this account, the nucleus of a new world order.
I think a new world order is emerging and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation.
Yet this handshake between those who did best out of the 20th century and some potential shapers of the 21st leaves hanging the question of how the old world order should be adapting to the new.
While I can see women in large Numbers adapting to that new world order, and adopting the ideology laid out on this domain, men may have more ambivalent feelings towards it.
Mr. Medvedev spoke in favor of discussion of a new world order less dependent on the U.S..
Four bizarre murals of rather disturbing and apocalyptic scenes can be found inside the main terminal, which conspiracy theorists speculate depicts the true agenda of the "New World Order".
Four bizarre murals of rather disturbing and apocalyptic scenes can be found inside the main terminal, which conspiracy theorists speculate depicts the true agenda of the "New World Order".