As a News Feature article in Nature discusses, a string of lucrative awards for researchers have joined the Nobel Prizes in recent years.
Medicine is traditionally the first of the Nobel prizes awarded each year.
In his last will, he used his enormous fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes.
THE Nobel prizes are probably the best-known of the many annual awards for excellence in a particular field.
So when he died he left most of his wealth in a trust to fund what would later be known as the Nobel Prizes.
ONE of the fixed points in the scientific calendar is the announcement, in early October, of the Nobel prizes for chemistry, physics and physiology or medicine.
ONE of the fixed points in the scientific calendar is the announcement, in early October, of the Nobel prizes for chemistry, physics and physiology or medicine.
About the Nobel Prizes Every year since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for peace.
自 1901 年起,作为国际大奖的诺贝尔奖由瑞典斯德哥尔摩诺贝尔基金会管理,每年都授予国际上在物理,化学,生理学或医学,文学及和平的成就卓越的人。
Little wonder, then, that at the start of the 20th century most of the Nobel prizes in the discipline went to these and other discoveries under the broad label of physical chemistry.
The Nobel prizes of physics had awarded pulsar researchers two times for discovering the first radio pulsar and checking the general theory of relativity with strong gravity, respectively.
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, more than sixty university members have won Nobel prizes.
A breakthrough in any of these areas would be the stuff of Nobel prizes.
His work on levitating frogs earned him one of the most prestigious spoof prizes in science: an Ig Nobel award.
Dr Ebadi, 62, told another interviewer: “They say I owe them $410, 000 in back taxes because of the Nobel. It’s a complete lie, given that the Iranian fiscal law says that prizes are excluded.”
The book ends with these words: Today, China has gained the most Olympic golds; tomorrow, it might become the biggest winner of Nobel Prizes.
The Nobel Prize in Physics is the second of six Nobel prizes to be announced this month.
The ceremony took place at Harvard University, with the coveted prizes handed out by real Nobel laureates.
Meanwhile, Improbable Research of Cambridge, Massachusetts, which awards the Ig Nobel prizes, notes that Geim is the first individual to win both a Nobel and Ig Nobel prize.
What he makes clear is that the awards are not like Nobel prizes, or some brainiac version of Oscars — a recognition of achievement over the past year, or the winners' career output.
An American physicist and electrical engineer, John Bardeen is one of the very few people to have won two Nobel prizes.
An American physicist and electrical engineer, John Bardeen is one of the very few people to have won two Nobel prizes.