The LQ is adapted to the flight control law design such as the Normal Acceleration control system.
The optimization requires the minimization of the normal acceleration overload at the position of pilot, the attitude variation and the control energy consumption under gust disturbance.
Since there is no acceleration in the y direction, the normal force must be also mg cosine theta.
The method making initial acceleration time history in the. Normal method has been improved, and it is recommended to use real earthquake acceleration records for initial time history.
By using these models, the velocity, acceleration, normal forces acting on the conjugated pairs and efficiency of roller drives can be obtained.
The normal method to simulate earthquake acceleration time history is analyzed, and it is shown clearly that choice of initial acceleration time history is important.
By added the servo motor, the simulation is realized, and the dynamic analysis is reported, thereby the velocity and acceleration of piston in normal power export state is acquired.
Another it study on the the control methods of normal acceleration.
Because this algorithm can estimate the normal and tangent acceleration, it may be used to implement the tracking for the complexly and highly maneuvering target after appropriate model-set design.
An analytical solution is presented to compute the state transfer function when both normal and tangential acceleration are constant. This model can give a better priori acceleration estimation.
An analytical solution is presented to compute the state transfer function when both normal and tangential acceleration are constant. This model can give a better priori acceleration estimation.