They lie outside the nucleus that houses the main human genome, and because there may be hundreds of them in each cell, their DNA is particularly easy to detect.
Their technique automatically tracked the position of the nucleus in each cell and classified its appearance into 16 different categories.
Boundary, nucleus and close greenbelt form the system of the outer environment of highrise settlement, each part of the system have their own function, they compose a basic cell together.
Note how each macrophage is filled with numerous small organisms. The organisms have a clear zone around a central blue nucleus which gives the cell membrane the appearance of a capsule.
The nucleolus is a dynamic region of the nucleus that is disassembled and reformed each cell cycle and whose size is correlated with cell growth rate.
The nucleolus is a dynamic region of the nucleus that is disassembled and reformed each cell cycle and whose size is correlated with cell growth rate.