They let the paralysed walk and give careworkers extra strength to carry the old and infirm to a wheelchair.
Thus, in addition to the old and infirm by Wolf predation, other deer body growing, number is rapidly growing.
I was on the coffee rota after mass (which added an extra half hour or more to the misery) and the car rota to ferry the old and infirm.
Former Colorado governor Richard Lamm has been quoted as saying that the old and infirm "have a duty to die and get out of the way", so that younger, healthier people can realize their potential.
Former Colorado governor Richard Lamm has been quoted as saying that the old and infirm "have a duty to die and get out of the way" so that younger, healthier people can realize their potential.
These reports reached the village, of course, but people only half believed them, for the grandmother was infirm and old.
As the Master grew old and infirm, the disciples begged him not to die. Said the Master, "If I did not go, how would you ever see"?
The entire population, including the young, the old, and the infirm, might enjoy a higher level of mobility without requiring advanced driving skills.
As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, four children are playing a "football match" and the "ball" is their old and infirm father.
Old and infirm, Henry was hounded from castle to castle, but what finally broke him was the discovery that John had betrayed him and gone over to Richard's side.
Those who huddled pitifully together on the left were the old, the infirm, the ill and the very young.
Public transport would be on hand to take children the old and the infirm to some 61 sites around the city that have been equipped with toilets and provisioned with food and water.
The third is the patient's physical differences, such as young and old, infirm and pregnant women easily poisoning, allergies allergic reaction occurs.
The third is the patient's physical differences, such as young and old, infirm and pregnant women easily poisoning, allergies allergic reaction occurs.