Upon such use may include the right of ownership of real and personal property situated on the land as may be permitted by the law.
Secondly, taxpayer's tax right is a right derived of the taxpayer's property ownership.
The building property rights referred to in these Provisions shall mean the ownership of buildings (above the foundation) and the right to use the land that the buildings occupy.
Therefore, in the divorce, court ruling will only use, not about the ownership of the property right of the building.
To transfer (property or a right) to the ownership of another, especially by an act of the owner rather than by inheritance.
The subjects of the adjoined property legal relations possess the partitive ownership, common ownership, neighboring right and membership.
The modern property right theory have the opinion that the ownership of an enterprise is the unity of residual manipulation and residual claim.
Ownership and shareholder structure of firms should emerge in the ever-improving market, so as to improve the property right structure and operating mechanism of Chinese companies.
From the dynamic Angle, property right of the wildlife points to the relationship that wildlife ownership transfers.
The registration is not property right registration: what pre-sellers get is not the ownership of houses but a kind of creditor's right.
预售合同以登记为生效要件,这种登记不同于产权登记,房屋预购人取得的权利不是房屋的所有权, 仍然是一种债权。
That citizen enjoys the right of testament freedom is the best manifestation that law provides ownership of citizen's property with overall protection.
Accretion is an important rule both on the ownership confirming and the property right changing of property right laws in various countries.
The term "house property right" mentioned hereinbelow refers to the ownership of houses (roofed) and the right to the use of land occupied by the houses.
The enterprise owner is the holder of enterprise ownership (right of ownership of property).
These characteristics come from the special relationship of enterprise property right, which is influenced by ownership distribution, enterprise size, enterprise culture and other aspects.
Based on the theory of 'property right of the human capital ', and so on, I devised the encouragement system which is based on the "two dimensional weighting stock ownership incentive".
The property right is a cluster of rights, including the right of ownership of human capital, the right of disposal, the right of control, the right of use, and the right of revenue.
The essence of privately operating the stat-owned enterprises is to realize the state-owned property right, but not the private ownership in economy.
The property right is the ownership of capital elements.
Property right is the ownership of essential factors of capital.
It expatiates in detail standpoints about attribution of ownership rights, demonstrating that the ownership right of virtual property is liability.
The property management ownership right originates from divided ownership of multi-storey building and building bordering right.
Public easements are public welfare undertakings, a national or public access to the relevant requirements of ownership or use of real property owners the right to bear some burden.
Definition of the property right about natural resources is mainly based on the ownership, the usufructuary right, the security right and the share ownership.
Article 48 the laws at the locality where protection is claimed shall apply to the ownership and contents of the intellectual property right.
The property-right is the right integration based on the property ownership. There are different kinds of methods to evaluate the property-right.
The property-right is the right integration based on the property ownership. There are different kinds of methods to evaluate the property-right.