When he finally sent details of his invention to the Patent Office on February 14th, 1876, it was too late.
Probably time to think about closing the Patent Office again.
The Patent Office pended the settlement of a patent application.
The trademark is registered on the book of the Patent Office.
A hint is that no lawyer from the Patent Office was listed on the brief.
The fact that the Patent Office approves many bogus patents does not help matters.
Where the parties fail to reach an agreement, the Patent Office shall adjudicate.
On the ground floor of the patent Office is the Search Room, a vast space filled with patents.
Any cessation of the patent right shall Be registered and announced by the patent Office.
Upon the request of the applicant, the Patent Office may publish the application earlier.
Judge Sweet said the Patent Office thinks DNA should be treated like any other chemical compound.
All the Patent Office needs to do, therefore, is to get that community to tell it what it already knows.
The information deficit can not be resolved by the Patent Office, and neither by outsourcing search.
The decision declaring the patent right invalid shall be registered and announced by the patent Office.
The boom in intellectual property has been good for the Patent Office; patents are its principal source of income.
Pfizer spokesman said Thursday the company is awaiting a letter from the patent office explaining the decision.
The decision MADE by the Patent Office granting a compulsory license for exploitation shall be registered and announced.
Because it's not a final rejection, Pfizer still has an opportunity to persuade the Patent Office to reissue the patent.
The patent Office rejected his application, citing a clause in the patent code which says that life forms are not patentable.
Last year, the patent Office took in two hundred and forty-five million dollars from patent and trademark fees, its best year ever.
Pressed by my friends and relations, I decided to send my invention to the Patent Office to get recognition for my successful idea.
On the other hand, by allowing PDF filings the patent office may succeed in convincing more filers to file electronically rather than on paper.
Christopher A. Hansen, senior national staff counsel for the civil liberties union, said the problem was with the Patent Office, not the company.
美国公民联合会高级顾问克里·斯多芬。A .汉森说,问题不是出在检测公司方面,而是出自专利办公室。
Changes in patent law now make a 40-year delay an impossibility, thus limiting the number of surprises that remain submerged at the patent office.
Should they qualify as human inventions if researchers insert a single gene into their biological makeup? The answer from the patent office is, yes.
Wait, so you're suggesting the proper thing to do is to assume that the Patent Office magically figured out how to be 30% more efficient in one year?
New York-based Pfizer applied to the patent office in January to have the 2011 patent reissued, and to correct a "technical defect" in the original patent.
To make matters worse, the Patent Office is rejecting applications at an unprecedented pace-with fewer than 50% being approved, compared to 70% a decade ago.
Although the Patent Office is aware of this patent being issued, the original record was destroyed along with other patents from the 18th century in an 1836 fire.
The patent office just upheld a key embryonic stem cell patent, the latest turn in a long fight over some intellectual property that's central to the whole field.