Owing to the benefactions of the pious, the Church had become rich.
This all the pious do, but they trust in Christ alone and not in their own works.
The pious mother who not only can bring you up but will bring you before God as well.
The pious people of the plateau wrote their wishes on the flags to pray for happiness.
Danny is the son of Reb Saunders, the pious and revered head of a great Hasidic dynasty.
Creativity: the main product by the pious hands holding a heart constitute Thanksgiving.
In other words, it's not for the pious, the blindly faithful or those seeking tepid consolation.
The pious man is dubious about the vicious civilian’s vivid description of his vicinity to his wife.
And in handling straight news, it is easier to assume the pious mantle of objectivity than to edit.
For all the pious claim that..., it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite.
The pious man is dubious about the vicious civilian's vivid description of his vicinity to his wife.
Low-key luxury, a new aristocracy of style and is the Audi of the modern pursuit of living of the pious.
The pious in us want to scold Habakkuk for his lack of faith and tell him to be quiet and that God has a plan.
Sensing a mounting impatience with his operations Bragadini absconded to Munich where Duke William the Pious was wooing him.
大师果然是大师,布拉伽迪尼意识到人们对他金厂的运营越来越不耐烦了,便马上挥一挥衣袖,不留下一丝指纹地潜逃到慕尼黑,那里敬虔者威廉公爵(Duke William the Pious)正对他求贤若渴,对他的突然到来老开心了。
For all the pious claim that examinations test what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite. They may be a good means of testing memory.
The pious old wife of the merchant repeated these words from the Psalms of David in patience and hope, and the prayer of her heart was that Jurgen might soon be called away to enter into eternal life.
It has to be said that the old Bousque woman, as old as she was, had not become pious with age, an unusual state of affairs in this part of the country.
Rolfe was a pious man who agonized for many weeks over the decision to marry a "heathen."
I delighted to confront a pious lady who hated the Germans with the proposition that we should love our enemies.
The Romans would sincerely believe that if you don't sacrifice to the gods,if you're not a pious person, the gods may punish you.
The nativity of Christ, as you can imagine, was a popular subject for early seventeenth-century poets for pious early seventeenth-century poets.
With pious gratitude the girl looked upon this glorious work of God, and bent down over one of the branches, that she might examine the flower and inhale the sweet perfume.
After climbing all 768 steps to reach the top, I definitely felt closer to God, just not in the way that its pious builders would have intended.
Born at Aosta in Burgundy, Anselm was a pious child and sought admission to the monastic life at the early age of 15.
Born at Aosta in Burgundy, Anselm was a pious child and sought admission to the monastic life at the early age of 15.