This paper reviews advances that have been made in the primary prevention of atopic disease.
Hepatology Digest: Should both lactulose and rifaximin be combined for the primary prevention of he?
The primary prevention of hypertension remains a global health priority, as 600 million people worldwide have hypertension.
OBJECTIVE: to determine whether lactic acid bacteria as probiotics is efficacious in the primary prevention of infantile eczema or atopic eczema.
Prof. R. W. Bilou: Well, at the moment from our data as presented today we can't say that Candesatan has a role for the primary prevention of microalbuminuria.
Correct recognition of the combined effects of the risk factors is of important significance for the primary prevention and making up the public health policies.
Background - : aspirin is effective for the primary prevention of cardiovascular events, but it remains unclear for which subgroups of individuals aspirin is beneficial.
So far the primary prevention is still in an initial exploratory phase worldwide, it's generally agreed that to step down the prevalence of asthma should begin at birth and neonatal period.
"We found no evidence to support the use of either aspirin or antioxidants in the primary prevention of cardiovascular events and mortality in people with diabetes," Belch and colleagues wrote.
The Commission thus calls for health systems to be based on principles of equity, disease prevention and health promotion with universal coverage, based on primary health care.
Our primary focus is on the prevention of drunk driving, and on helping to prevent youth access to alcohol.
Therefore, primary prevention of hypertension should be an important component of any national strategy, " says the paper, published online by The Lancet.
Action 4.2: Advocate for the strengthening of primary health care (including primary prevention) services to support capacity of local communities to become resilient to climate-related health risks.
However, evidence in primary prevention is limited, with studies suggesting that any benefit of aspirin must be weighed against the risk of bleeding.
Who works across the spectrum in countries, from primary prevention work through to rehabilitation of those who have been involved in road traffic crashes.
Primary health care provides the best model for comprehensive services, from prevention, screening, and early detection, to long-term care that engages communities.
This trial does not provide evidence to support the use of aspirin or antioxidants in primary prevention of cardiovascular events and mortality in the population with diabetes studied.
The primary purpose of a seam finish is the prevention of raveling, stretching, or curling.
Although several large trials of aspirin for primary prevention have included diabetic subgroups, no trial has been specifically dedicated to looking at the effects of aspirin in this patient group.
It evaluates and prevent the risk factors of disease resulted in by clinic environment, that is primary prevention and secondary prevention under clinic environment.
And, secondly: Is there significant heterogeneity between the statin treatment effect in primary prevention subgroups compared with that in secondary prevention subgroups?
Guidelines recommending statin therapy for primary prevention in women or people over the age of 65 years are not evidence-based, experts claim.
Because no cardiovascular benefit was observed in the study, raloxifene should not be used for the primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
"Recently, the use of BMI as a risk factor marker in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease has been questioned," the authors state.
It is of great importance to carry out primary surveillance of drug resistance and work out effective treatment in the prevention of MDR.
Objective: to study the methods in patients after enterostomy in primary healing, prevention of stool pollution and surgical incision infection.
Objective To inquire about the methods of developing primary eye care (PEC) and prevention of blindness.
Objective To inquire about the methods of developing primary eye care (PEC) and prevention of blindness.