The inquiry team criticizes staff at the psychiatric hospital for the low standard of care.
Patient advocates are up in arms over the possible closure of the psychiatric hospital.
Pizza Man: And you're at the psychiatric hospital?
I'm sorry I did not answer you sooner, you know I was in the psychiatric hospital for 11 days!
One day in March, an interpreter told me that Baida had called several times from the psychiatric hospital and wanted to see us again.
But they saw how well behaved I was and decided it meant I could behave well only in the environment of a psychiatric hospital and it proved I was mad.
The old psychiatric emergency room was too often simply the intake ward for the hospital, used only for triage and referral, said Zeller.
Lopez trained as a psychologist in the US and worked in a psychiatric hospital.
And their risk of being admitted to a psychiatric hospital over the next six years was nearly tripled (it was almost quadrupled for smokers).
Lisbeth told the police about Zalachenko’s assaults on her mother, only to be put away for two years in a state psychiatric hospital.
Relatives ferried Mr. Yang to the Hepu County Psychiatric Hospital, a sprawling, ramshackle collection of one-story buildings outside Beihai, the closest city.
亲戚们用船把他送到合浦县精神病院。 这是座毫无规划,摇摇欲坠的一层楼的建筑群,位于离村子最近的北海市郊区。
"Clerkships still focus for the most part on inpatient, hospital-based medicine, whereas medicine is increasingly outpatient oriented," he told Psychiatric News.
The younger, Eduard, gifted in music and literature, would die in a Swiss psychiatric hospital.
He called the British Consulate and they escorted me to the Shanghai No.1 Psychiatric Hospital.
Objective To achieve scientific methods and means of effective management and monitoring by exploring the quality and cost of the psychiatric specialist hospital.
The trial has begun in Cuba of a number of people accused of being responsible for the deaths of 26 patients in a psychiatric hospital in Havana a year ago.
一年前,哈瓦那一家精神病医院26名病人死亡。 今天,古巴开始对几名相关责任人进行审判。
SETTING: The research institute of medical psychology and psychiatric specialty in two universities and a psychiatric department in a city hospital.
Objective:to understand the distribution of patients sections in the integrated hospital psychiatric consultation. the category of disease. age characteristics and therapeutic.
At last, just after Christmas 1994, Emma was admitted to a psychiatric hospital and schizophrenia was diagnosed, more than two years after the first apparent signs around the time of A-levels.
However, here ha was pacing the halls of the psychiatric ward of County General Hospital waiting to talk to a patient named Angel Zeno.
Objective to investigate the influencing factors of psychiatric patients' way of discharging from mental hospital.
The patient developed eczematous lesions on exposed area after she had worked at a psychiatric hospital for 6 months.
This study used the statistic method of circular distribution to detect the incidence of psychosis in psychiatric hospital.
Relatives ferried Mr. Yang to the Hepu County Psychiatric Hospital a sprawling ramshackle collection of one-story buildings outside Beihai the closest city.
A control study on hospital infection of patients with mental diseases was carried out in the same psychiatric department in different years.
SETTING: The psychiatric department of a provincial specialized mental hospital.
The number of psychiatric day hospital places was increased to 679.
The number of psychiatric day hospital places was increased to 679.