The reaction product water was nearly colorless, transparent and neutral.
The additive is the reaction product of sulphuric acid, water and leady oxide.
A barrier coating comprising the reaction product of a polymeric material and an acid is disclosed.
The reaction product of diethylene glycol-ammoniation preparing morpholine under low pressure with gas chromatography is completely analyzed;
Silicone acrylic resins can be either the reaction product of a silicone intermediate with acrylic monomers, or a cold blend of silicone resin and acrylic polymers.
The reaction product contains at least one amino triazole group and is present in the fuel in an amount sufficient to improve the performance of diesel fuel injectors.
A heat exchanger cools the reaction product flowing from the autoclave to the receiving vessel, where the amount of cooling is dependent upon the transfer rate of the reaction product.
Silicone polyesters resins are the reaction product of organo-siloxane intermediates and a suitable polyester resin intermediate (typically characterized by the absence of drying oils).
The heat exchanger may also generate steam which is fed into the receiving vessel to adjust the pressure in the receiving vessel and thus adjust the transfer rate of the reaction product.
A new type of phenolic resin adhesive for casting was prepared by condensation polymerization of furfuryl alcohol and the reaction product between phenol, phenylphenol, urea and formaldehyde.
METHODS The reaction product and free radical intermediate in the reaction medium with or without antioxidants and other moderators was detected by spectrophotometry and electron spin resonance(ESR).
Claridge used the European truffle product because it was easy to get-his team will next see the reaction of native animals to native truffles.
What"s been the consumer reaction to your product?
Other Japanese automakers have been working to create fuel cell cars, which produce electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, with water the only by-product.
The package includes genetic modifications to enable organisms to recycle oxyluciferin, the by-product of the reaction that produces light.
An amine or amino resin is the alkylated reaction product of urea or melamine and formaldehyde.
The two problems often reaction is the nature of the product, is the product of consumer demand, is the biggest reason for consumers to buy the product.
Start with reaction process control and material quality analysis, various factors that have effect on the quality of polyester product are analysized and discussed.
The product distribution could be improved by using higher reaction temperature to improve atomization and gasification of feedstock.
The method simple, the reaction period short and the productive rate high. The purity of the product can reach 98%.
What's been the consumer reaction to your product?
Some reactions may yield a product in a different phase from the reaction mixture.
The company product take the sensitive reaction, durability and good after-sale service and other characteristics has won the general customer recognition.
Depending upon reaction conditions, the product may be a polyketone formed by addition polymerization of the ketene double bond.
The fibrous reaction product is then purified and ground to a fine, uniform powder or granules.
The resultant hydrolytic reaction product is dihydrochloride .
The conditions of reaction of cyclization were moderate, the purity and yield of the product was higher.
The conditions of reaction of cyclization were moderate, the purity and yield of the product was higher.