Article 2 the term "asset impairment" means that the recoverable amount of an asset is lower than its carrying amount.
Article 2 the term "impairment of assets" refers to that the recoverable amount of assets is lower than its carrying value.
Article 6 Where any evidence shows that there is possible assets impairment, the recoverable amount of the assets shall be estimated.
Where the recoverable amount is determined according to the current value of future cash flows as predicted by the asset group, the enterprise shall also disclose.
Article 18 Where there is any evidence indicating a possible impairment of assets, the enterprise shall, on the basis of single item assets, estimate the recoverable amount.
The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the estimated future cash flow expected to be devived from the asset.
When facts and circumstances suggest that the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount, an entity shall measure, present and disclose any resulting impairment loss in accordance with IAS 36.
Over recent decades, the consensus estimates of the amount of recoverable oil on the planet have roughly doubled.
There are two bases upon which the court may assess the amount of costs recoverable.
For example, taking money out of one of Waldo's accounts (fromAcct -= amount) is a recoverable action that can be reversed up to the end of the transaction.
For instance, when WPA3% cover is taken out, a particular average loss under 3% of the insured amount will not be recoverable but one amounting to or exceeding 3% of the insured amount will be paid.
Asset impairment means recoverable amount is lower than book value of assets, the core issue of the accounting measurement is the determination of fair value and present value of assets.
The asset is not recoverable when future cash flows are less than the carrying amount.
The asset is considered recoverable when future cash flows exceed the carrying amount.
Although, energy resource is abundant in China, the recoverable reserve amount per capita is under the world average level too far.
A partial average loss under 3%of the insured amount will not be recoverable but one amounting to or exceeding 3% will be paid.
Businesses recognize impairment when the financial statement carrying amount of a long-lived asset or asset group exceeds its fair value and is not recoverable.
Businesses recognize impairment when the financial statement carrying amount of a long-lived asset or asset group exceeds its fair value and is not recoverable.