This routine is called twice-before and after mutex acquisition-to determine whether further processing is required based on the time elapsed.
In the face of high routine and recent preventive vaccination coverage in both Senegal and the Gambia, an epidemic is not anticipated and emergency vaccination is not required at this time.
In order to make the action-based routine work, a slight addition is required to the WSDLs describing the target services.
The elaborate tests of safety and efficacy required before approval are routine in the drugs business.
But in late 2004, the SEC passed a rule that required hedge funds to register with the commission, to report basic information every year and to undergo routine inspections.
This article lies the initial groundwork required for establishing a ray pick routine, by providing algorithms and working code to convert a pixel coordinate into a ray in world space.
Routine maintenance is required to ensure the maximum performance and the longevity of the controller and SEIO water pumps.
More research is required before recommendations can be made about the routine use of such treatments.
Purpose: to test the NO content in the serum of athletes of different levels after different loads of international Changquan required routine training.
This routine is called twice-before and after mutex acquisition -to determine whether further processing is required based on the time elapsed.
Thermally protected with thermostats, all motors manufactured are submitted to hydrostatic as well as other routine testing at the factory to ensure compliance to the required specifications.
A case study is given where routine analytical testing for a toxic impurity was not required because a high impurity rejection efficiency of the synthetic process was demonstrated.
A case study is given where routine analytical testing for a toxic impurity was not required because a high impurity rejection efficiency of the synthetic process was demonstrated.