In fact, they said, America was composed of two distinct groups: the rich and the rest.
The little girl was rich for the rest of her life and she still helped the people in need with her money.
When I see the temporal suffering of humans who finally escape us, I feel as if I had been allowed to taste the first course of a rich banquet and then denied the rest.
Over 60% of China’s imports come from the rest of Asia, but about half of these are components that are assembled in China and then sold to the rich world.
They also use the starch-rich fruit to produce a kind of flour, and the rest of the coconut is used for animal feed and charcoal.
It does, however, loosely reflect longstanding differences between Americans' attitudes to taxation and those in much of the rest of the rich world.
Part 2 focuses on using the tooling available for developing rich-client applications and finishing the rest of the plug-in development workflow presented in Figure 1.
Meanwhile, the gulf between London and the rest of the country is underlined by the findings on the amount needed to feel rich in regional cities.
Silverman describes the Swiss private collector as a very rich man who has promised to buy him "lunch and dinner and caviar for the rest of my life if it ever does get sold."
In much of the rest of the world, access to hedge funds is usually restricted to the rich and to institutional investors.
America's rich have been pulling away from the rest of the population, as the returns for talent and capital in a global market have increased.
The rest of the world would then be able to join the poor of Africa and the rich of California, and generate solar power for itself.
Relieved he had found a sanctuary away from the paparazzi and enchanted by an area so rich in history, myth and folklore, Jackson ended up staying for the rest of the year.
There is also new berber carpet and the rest of the floors are a rich green marble.
They spend half of their time dreaming up ways of getting rich, and the rest of their time thinking about all the enjoyable things they would do once they got rich.
She gathered up the gold COINS, carried them away, and was rich for the rest of her life.
After comparing it to another version, I can say that it is a more complete collection, the fables are more fully developed with rich language, and the beautiful illustrations set it above the rest.
Germany doesn't feel so rich anymore and doesn't want to continue serving as the deep pocket for the rest of Europe.
In other words, the rich are getting richer faster, and the rest of us are none too happy about it.
Now, many here ask whether Japan is destined to be the next Switzerland: rich and comfortable, but of little global import, largely ignored by the rest of the world.
The luxurious palaces of the rich have been turned into rest homes and sanatoriums .
But they never forgot the elves, and they were rich and happy for the rest of their lives.
Walnuts are rich in melatonin, a neurohormone which regulates the circadian rhythm of your sleep-wake cycle and helps you to get the rest you need to face the day.
"They're rich and they love to spend, but they like to pretend they're having as hard a time as the rest of us," the article says.
Confronted with the impact of foreign cultural pluralism, the design has to rest on China's rich cultural essence and to merger it with modern design elements.
Over 60% of China's imports come from the rest of Asia, but about half of these are components that are assembled in China and then sold to the rich world.
Over 60% of China's imports come from the rest of Asia, but about half of these are components that are assembled in China and then sold to the rich world.