In order to make the right and obligation of both parties clear, conclude this agreement specially.
Legal characteristic analysis is very important for making sure of the right and obligation of law subject.
Ultimately, our nation, like all nations, has the right and obligation to control its borders and set laws for residency and citizenship.
The second part is about the content of common ownership in condominium ownership, that is, the right and obligation of the common owners.
Besides, the right and obligation of the food producer and the purchaser and the management of sanitation supervising organization were also discussed.
Then it has probed into that the legal liability and the right and obligation of lawsuit to the third party similar to that in defendant's lawsuit status.
Everyone has the right and obligation to maintain the fairness of TOEIC test. You are welcome to report violations of any kind that are against the test Regulations.
So how to protect the right and obligation of the parties in trade is the main issue that people care and study, and the key to solve this problem is Digital Rights Management.
You have the right and the obligation to love yourself first!
But beyond adhering to laws and policies, we must also recognize our obligation to make the right choice and have the conviction to act on it, no matter how tough that action may be.
Article 7 All organizations and individuals shall fulfill their obligation to conserve energy and have the right to report against any waste of energy.
He contends that people's first obligation is to do what they believe is right and not to follow the law dictated by the majority.
It stresses the social environment for the unity of credit morality choice going along with its right and obligation as well.
They asked only signed between the monarch and his subjects unilateral "King contract" - I always have "faint" right, but you can only do "loyalty" obligation.
Our locomotive crew responsibility right and obligation to share the burdens, to all illegal ACTS do resolute struggle.
The procedural right helps to realize the substantive right of private party and corresponds to the administrative body's procedural obligation.
Meanwhile the change and transfer of the contract will also have big effect on the third person's right and obligation.
In civil life, most disputes among the condominium owners are produced by the illegible right and obligation of co-ownership part.
In the modern right-oriented society, we must regard the children as the right owner and the society, schools as well as the parents as the obligation subjects.
A basic law about the function of WTO rules is the equilibrium of right and obligation.
In this paper the right, obligation and some problems of pollution emitted unit in environmental administration lawsuit were drawn up so as to maintain the legal system of environmental protection.
Remedies to be Liberally Administered Any right or obligation declared by this act is enforceable by action unless the provision declaring it specifies a different and limited effect.
Seen from the role my wife plays, it is her unshakable obligation to guide our child to unite peers, respect the old, make a clear distinction between right and wrong.
Informed consent right was a legal right to patients and the obligation was a legal duty to doctors.
A radical problem of justice is the issue of the relation between right and obligation.
Marx explicitly pointed out that the human right is not merely the pure right, it also includes the duty, and it is the dialectical unification of right and obligation.
B put gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to tender a share and receive, in return, a fixed price.
B put gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to tender a share and receive, in return, a fixed price.