The senior official said that thousands of militiamen, trained and funded by Iran, are operating throughout southern Iraq.
It's true that there is no specific law but they could be charged for voluntary blows and injuries, "the senior official said late Monday."
The senior official said the U. S. Agency for International Development is considering ways to get additional relief aid into the area but that the fighting makes deliveries very difficult.
A senior White House official said the agreement is close.
A senior defence official said last night that they would continue the air strikes.
Official Iranian news agency quoting a senior Foreign Ministry official has said preparations were being made for the Foreign Minister Dr. Ali-Ahbar Veliatti to visit Iraq.
The official announcement of the Quartet's decision was to be made Wednesday, a senior U.S. official said.
One senior European official involved in the talks, however, said ECB objections could be overcome if the rescheduling was structured properly.
A senior Pentagon official said the us would "resist" the Russian move, which he said would have serious implications for American Allies in Europe.
“We really thought we could have completed [the talks] by the end of the year,” said a senior American official.
"This is a rocket that is going to happen two years earlier than would've happened under the past programme," a senior White House official said.
One senior Iraqi official, asked about the withdrawal deadline, shrugged his shoulders and said, “This is about America’s midterm elections.”
'we're not here to tell you we've solved the deficit, but you have to take steps to put spending under control,' a senior administration official said.
"We hope to send music to all the streets and windows, making the classical art omnipresent in a city immersed in a happy and relaxing atmosphere," a senior official of the NCPA said.
A senior official said the police were investigating whether the attack in the city of Monterrey was linked to an extortion racket.
A senior ISI official, speaking to Dawn on condition of anonymity, said raw, unverified intelligence reports were designed to smear the reputation of the agency.
IS I某高官向晨曦透露,没有根据未经证实的文件是蓄意玷污巴情报组织的名誉。
Vijay Kumar Singh, a senior police official here who investigated the rape, said that on Feb. 5 a young man came into his police station to report that his cellphone and laptop had been stolen.
A senior Russian military official said in August that Poland was now a 'priority' target for possible strikes against the shield.
Senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hiyeh said the deal is a great achievement for the Palestinian people.
All of the tickets for the Paralympics will be sold on a first-come-first-served-basis, a senior official from the Games' organizing committee said over the weekend.
All of the tickets for the Paralympics will be sold on a first-come-first-served-basis, a senior official from the Games' organizing committee said over the weekend.