The fall in inflation is the silver lining of the prolonged recession.
Look for the silver lining of change.
The silver lining to the cloud of servitude.
This is the silver lining of the sluggish market now.
But the silver lining is that the world is not static.
This is the dark cloud outside the silver lining of increasing longevity.
The silver lining is that many accommodations have remained reasonably priced.
Instead of taking it personally or looking for another job right away, look for the silver lining.
It's life, it happens, I move on. It gives me time to spend with my family and that's the silver lining.
The silver lining for some of the largest, more diversified Banks, may turn out to be the struggling consumer.
Here at the Silver Lining Dept., we like to point out that the above is good news if you're looking to get a mortgage.
"I think the silver lining is, we're in the trough of the decline," said Michael Pachter, an analyst at Wedbush Morgan.
“我认为现在的希望是,我们在下降的底部,”Wedbush morgan的分析师Michael Pachter表示。
But, the silver lining, if you wanna see it, is that he made the decision all by himself without any outside help whatsoever.
Stay out of clouds. The silver lining everyone keeps talking about might be another airplane going in the opposite direction.
But some restaurant analysts say the silver lining for KFC is the attention it got for a new product aimed at health-conscious consumers.
Now let me be honest here: I wailed for months before I figured out how to trade the rocks for the joy, and found the silver lining thing.
Perhaps Americans will copy the British, and find that the silver lining of relative decline is a new appreciation of dry humor and the irony of life.
Get into the habit of looking for the silver lining of the cloud and when you have found it, continue to look at it, rather than at the leaden gray in the middle.
The silver lining in this case is that, if the singer did indeed die of a drug overdose as is widely speculated, her death is the exception rather than the rule.
The silver lining, the study found, is that the management practices of multinational companies tend to be better than the average in any country they operate in.
Three years earlier I had written her with some banal advice to look for the silver lining, to count her blessings instead of burdening others with her miseries.
The silver lining in this carbon-filled cloud is that executives at firms such as Gap are using technology to cut the number of trips they make in order to save money.
But looking back, Bartz may actually come to appreciate the silver lining of being fired over the phone: she didn't have to worry about her facial expressions or non-verbal cues.
Those Villa supporters who expressed their relief on various message boards, describing Downing, quite rightly, as the silver lining in a dreadful season, were in for a shock two weeks later.
Those Villa supporters who expressed their relief on various message boards, describing Downing, quite rightly, as the silver lining in a dreadful season, were in for a shock two weeks later.