This first song is such familiar, is the Sino-Japanese War period sings the national song "in the Songhua River".
After the Sino-Japanese War, it's a big transformation from the region differentiation which form naturally to the difference due to sphere of influence.
It rejected their appeal by claiming "China has given up war compensation claims by individuals against Japan in the Sino-Japanese Joint Statement".
As the main battlefield of the Sino Japanese War and the Russo Japanese War, Dalian has suffered two major wars. In modern history, a Russian and Japanese colony for nearly half a century.
Why did Japan plunge into the quagmire of what the Japanese call the "Sino-Japanese War" and what actually was the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression?
China is mainly to blame for the Sino-Japanese crisis, but Japan could help defuse it by showing that it really understands the bitter hurt that lingers over its crimes of war.
At the time, Chinese Globe Magazine was the most influential magazine report and commenting on the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895. It gained great fame from these activities.
The reformers realized that Japan and Occident were real civilized countries till Sino - Japanese War of 1894 - 1895.
The reformers realized that Japan and Occident were real civilized countries till Sino - Japanese War of 1894 - 1895.