At distances greater than 10 femtometers, the strong force is practically unobservable.
Mesons are sensitive to the strong force, have integral spin, and vary widely in mass.
The theory has its origins in an effort to understand the strong force, the dual resonance model (1969).
But when you get them close enough, something called the strong force starts to act and pulls them together.
In the natural world, people have discovered four kinds of forces: the electromagnetic force, the gravitation, the weak force, and the strong force.
A proton contains three charged quarks bound by the strong force and its radius is defined as the distance at which the charge density drops below a certain value.
Besides moral educational responsibility subjects such as family, school and society, culture is always the strong force to construct the value rationality of human being.
You get them closer and closer and closer and then at some point the strong force grips them together. For a moment they become helium 5, because they've got five particles inside them.
The Weldon Group has a 6 000 strong sales force.
威尔登集团有6 000人的销售队伍。
He stressed China is a major force safeguarding world peace and stability and the comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and China is very strong.
Company have one division of Labour on the basis of specialization, highly cooperative group, rich strong strength and rich technical force of software development.
Los Angeles - The catastrophe unfolding in Gaza has the dark force of a recurring Middle Eastern nightmare: Scattered guerrilla-like attacks from the weak lead to massive retaliation by the strong.
Bellieni pointed out the power of television was strong and it could be harmful for children if it was stronger than the force made by the mother to distract children.
Eyewitnesses say the force of the wave was so strong that cars were sucked out from their garages and it tore down doors and Windows, covering everything.
The force is strong, even after Darth Vader kills you.
The storm smashed both American and German ships. Neither side was left with a force strong enough to fight.
According to conventional theories the force should then become ridiculously strong - which means there's something wrong with the conventional theories.
That said, if you looked closely enough, you could detect a strong core of very intelligent and committed people trying to orchestrate the birth of a new political force in America.
That is largely because the sluggish pace of job creation hasn't been strong enough to absorb growth of the labor force.
Fiction, especially science fiction, is full of magical force fields. In 2006, scientists at the University of Florida were researching a particularly strong force field on a molecular level.
The force is strong with you, Jedi Knight.
Congratulations Jedi, the force is strong in you. You've become a Jedi Knight.
Employee sentiment and other concerns about the deal may not be strong enough to force Microsoft to reconsider its goal to buy Yahoo.
Policies can also force strong passwords and set security features such as the number of times a password attempt can fail before the device wipes its data.
In the United States, the contract is a strong binding force for businesses.
In the United States, the contract is a strong binding force for businesses.