By using of Granger causality test, we confirm that Granger causes and not the contrary.
It is applies Granger causality tests to test the causes of China technology markets growth according to technology demand pull and technology push theories.
During the empirical studies, such approaches as the co-integration test, Granger-causality test and categorization are adopted to support the previous conclusions from the perspective of data.
The Granger Causality test shows that on the premise of second-order lag, the energy consumption and carbon emission are the one-way Granger reason of GDP.
The paper makes use of Granger causality test and GARCH model to tests the return spillover and volatility spillover effect.
In the empirical study, the synergistic integration and Granger causality test, and error correction model by textile clothing effect factor of the short term dynamics.
Based the review of existing theories of money supply, the paper adopts the cointegrate test, Granger causality and impulse response test to analyze the endogenesis of money supply in China.
Based the review of existing theories of money supply, the paper adopts the cointegrate test, Granger causality and impulse response test to analyze the endogenesis of money supply in China.