Please show me the third party insurance.
AD on the bus reads: "If you don't have GIO Third Party Property Insurance, we suggest you don't hit this bus".
If the guarantee is made by the third party (except the bank and the insurance company), the loan line shall be no more than 60% of auto funds.
Article 17 The State applies a compulsory third party liability insurance system to motor vehicles, and establishes social assistance funds for road traffic accidents.
The subject-matter of motor vehicle insurance is motor vehicle and third party liability in the main.
The third party motor liability insurance with insured should by law to the third party undertake of indemnification responsibility for object.
The direct claim right of third party in liability insurance means that the third party may claim the insurance compensation form the insurer directly according to the law or the insurance contract.
But by insurance companies as real estate developers and owners of a third party, in lieu of housing developers to shoulder the associated warranty liability.
The third party liability compulsory insurance of motor vehicle is one of the effective ways to solve the problem.
A green card can serve as easily recognizable proof of third party insurance, for example in the case of an accident, when traveling abroad.
The compulsory third party liability motor vehicle insurance is a mandatory insurance taking as the subject matter the civil remedies of the insured to the third party.
There is a lack of understanding of mandatory motor vehicle third-party liability insurance at the moment.
According to the strength of third party interest, liability insurance can be divided into mandatory liability insurance, altruism liability insurance and general liability insurance.
Under wantage insurance, when the loss is caused by a third party, the insurer gains the indemnity-recovering right of subrogation therefrom, provided that the insurer executed its duty of indemnity.
Only slight hiccup was the validation of our third party insurance policy which was sorted out quickly.
All of vehicles for rental in our company have insured motor hull insurance, the third party liability insurance, additional risk and seat insurance for all the time of rental contract.
The occurrence of the insured′s non-interest due to the claim by a third party should be recognized as the insurance accident of liability insurance.
The motor vehicle third party liability insurance cannot be only understood in the view of general insurance, the social purpose of the system should be considered.
Meanwhile, insurance laws concerned should be revised to embody the policy and publicity of third-party insurance for vehicles as forced insurance.
The prepayment responsibility of insurance agent is based on the foundation of the third party-character of payment of liability insurance theoretically and practically.
The second section discusses the function of Motor vehicle third-party liability compulsory insurance.
For the special social purpose of this kind of insurance, the third party can enjoy its interests set by the contract, although it is not the direct party of the insurance contract.
The fourth, the author discusses the insurance effect subrogation's among the insurer, the insurant and the third party through transfer of credit.
In addition to assurer and assured outside of, suffer the victim of personal injury or property loss because of the contingency of insurance rolling stock is a third party, also call stranger.
On the basis of the introduction of some characteristic third party liability enforceable insurance systems of other countries, the author proposes the ideas of improvement of this system in China.
On the basis of the introduction of some characteristic third party liability enforceable insurance systems of other countries, the author proposes the ideas of improvement of this system in China.