As the third person pronoun, "zhi" usually ACTS as object and "qi" as attributive.
Moreover, the writer expressed his own views on the question of dividing line between demonstrative pronoun and the third person pronoun.
While the first and the second person pronouns mainly perform deictic functions, the third person pronoun is of anaphoric reference in a text.
According to the result of investigation, there was no distinction between the demonstrative pronoun and the third person pronoun in classical Chincse.
"Ta" in void-referring usage in modern Chinese after verb as neither reference nor object is quite different from the third person pronoun or other-referring pronoun.
There are three choices of the visual angle when a speaker refers to another person: the first- pronoun visual angle, the second-pronoun visual angle and the third-pronoun visual angle.
There are three choices of the visual angle when a speaker refers to another person: the first- pronoun visual angle, the second-pronoun visual angle and the third-pronoun visual angle.