In fact, we kind of assumed that they were filtering a lot out, the way a sophisticated radar system can ignore echoes from stationary objects on the ground.
If this were true, we would all be slipping a few 100-dollar bills to our doctors on the way out their doors, too.
Well, if this were true, we would all be slipping a few 100-dollar bills to our doctors on the way out their doors, too.
The tyres bite into the snow and we were on our way.
We were not going all the way to Vladivostok, but we were to spend the next four nights on board.
The flip side of this is our great desire to change and improve on the way we were brought up - to show, not just to ourselves but to others as well, that we can be brilliant at it.
But on these we pinned sketches and pieces of material. In this way we were able to show that what colors and textures the clothes would have when they were finished.
So we were surprised to catch sight of her there on a weekday; plus, she was walking fast and barely greeting those she passed, for fear of being delayed along the way.
To gather material for this article, I asked four of my colleagues to tell me what they were working on and how it will affect the way we use technology in the future.
The next day, we were told to pack, and we thought we were on our way to Tunisia.
Just before the attacks were launched, with the planes already on their way, we received the first of three letters from Iraq addressing our objections.
From this point we provided class time and the students were on their way.
Yet we react-or more accurately, overreact-to Way of Life crises as if these challenges were the same as having a meteor zeroing in on our planet.
We were on our way to the Springfield, Missouri, districtwide music competition, where Liz would be playing a flute solo, her very first.
We radioed the harbor and said we were on the way, and that we needed a crane.
On the way we were given readymade gin and tonics.
Using these tools, along with instituting unit tests and peer reviews, we were well on our way to meeting our quality goals for the ASDI system.
As soon as we left the airport, we were on our way to Eltham College, where we would have our course.
On the way up the path we were stopped three times, first by a woman sweeping the ground, then a man, finally a secretary of Li Hua's.
一路上我们被拦住了三次,先被一位扫地的妇女,然后一位男士,最后是L 的秘书。
We were at my daughter's wedding, on our way to the reception, when Philippe told me he needed to go home as he wasn't feeling well.
On our way to the village, we were glad to see a lot of nice rice, vegetables and fruit in the fields.
We were already making repairs on the walls and starting to fill in the holes in the wall. Soon, we were on our way.
My parents were pleased because that way we could 'keep an eye on each other' and of course report back on what the other one was up to.
We really wish Google would work out some way to give us more control over what stock apps were on the phone.
The EU is “not going at all well,” Mr Sarkozy told French television on June 30th, adding that “profound changes” were needed to “the way we build Europe”.
Once, on our way to Eastleigh to play Arsenal, we broke down and I was distraught because we were going to miss the start of the game.
Most of our friends could not believe that we would travel on such an important holiday, but all of our relatives were in the USA and it was the only way we could get back to Changsha.
On the way we were treated to a spectacular mountain view.
On the way we were treated to a spectacular mountain view.