It was the capital of the Western Roman Empire.
Rome was the capital of the Western Roman Empire.
Germanic tribal leader who in 476 deposed Romulus Augustulus (reigned 475-476), bringing the Western Roman Empire to an end.
日尔曼部落首领,在476年废黜罗慕罗斯·奥古斯都(475- 476在位),结束了西罗马帝国。
The division of the Roman Empire into two parts was particularly damaging for the Western Empire because it relied on the Eastern Empire for economic support.
The eastern part (which would soon unite with the central portion as the Holy Roman Empire) can roughly be regarded as the beginnings of what is now Germany, the western part, that of France.
The Western Civilization assigned that name to East hoping one day East would be just one province of the Roman Empire.
Western brides have been kissed as part of the wedding ceremony since the days of the Roman Empire.
From this time on, Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire, Greek that of the eastern half.
Roman exploitation of the countryside is symbolized by the Villa Romana del Casale (in Sicily), the centre of the large estate upon which the rural economy of the Western Empire was based.
The current status of the English language at the start of the new millennium compares with that of Latin in most of Western Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire.
The current status of the English language at the start of the new millennium compares with that of Latin in most of Western Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire.