On the one hand, the working and living conditions of the workers were very miserable.
The rash of suicides has intensified scrutiny of the working and living conditions at Foxconn, the world's biggest contract electronics supplier.
In all cases, the Member shall remain fully responsible for the inspection and certification of the working and living conditions of the seafarers concerned on ships that fly its flag.
All the personnel shall be responsible for and shall participate in the management of health, safety, hygiene and environmental protection to keep improving the working and living conditions.
That figure may be too alarmist: there are signs that urban factories are running out of migrant labour, and reports that bad working and living conditions in some cities are deterring the rural poor.
Irregular migration from the MENA Region currently is subjecting migrant workers to poor living and working conditions, substantial health and income risks, and social marginalization.
The living and working conditions of people of all ethnic groups have improved significantly.
Nixon wrote that the company was employing a training program for farm workers to prevent the use of child labor and maintain migrant labor rights and working and living conditions.
When regulating working and living conditions, Members should give special attention to the needs of young persons under the age of 18.
With the improvement of working and living conditions, and the implementation of stricter regulations, the reduction of engine vibration and noise has an important significance.
With the working conditions and living standard progressing, obese rate is more and more higher for the tax officers, which causes diseases are more and more.
Party a has not provided Party B with necessary working and living conditions as stipulated in the contract.
Vibrations have affected the living and working conditions of human being, the safety of building structures and the normal performance of precision instruments.
At the beginning of this century, the South Wales coal fields were notorious for their low wages and appalling working and living conditions.
They should have adequate knowledge of seafarers' working and living conditions and of the English language.
Safe and healthy working conditions and living environment are necessary to ensure the health of employees, prevent any harm of occupational and other diseases to employees.
Safe and healthy working conditions and living environment are necessary to ensure the health of employees, prevent any harm of occupational and other diseases to employees.