Calm and peaceful for most of the year, the Nile used to flood annually, thereby creating, irrigating and carrying new topsoil to the nearby farmland on which ancient Egypt depended for livelihood.
Calm and peaceful for most of the year, the Nile used to flood annually, thereby creating, irrigating and carrying new topsoil to the nearby farmland, on which ancient Egypt depended for livelihood.
A flood had hit the area earlier that year and the damage it caused had driven away a number of birds.
Obviously, such profit margins (approaching 100%) are not going to survive the flood of tablets due early next year.
The harvest of crops was bad that year because of the flood.
One factor that stands in the way of another commodities boom in the new year is that investors, having been so badly burned by the plunge last year, are unlikely to flood back into the market.
When the river was allowed to flood over its Banks every year, some of the muck that spilled out remained, creating more and higher land nearby.
Her other books include the Robber Bride, the Handmaid's Tale and most recently the Year of the Flood.
I read the names of those who had died in the flood. One of the victims was an eight-year-old girl named Amber.
Needham's Charlie Wolf: Pad 2 immediately obsoletes a flood of media tablets that are finally beginning to appear a year after the iPad's introduction.
Needham的查理•沃尔夫: 在iPad问世一年之后,各厂商争相推出媒体平板电脑,然而iPad2一出,这些产品马上将被淘汰。
9/17The year saw a flood of scientific papers showing Arctic ice and the Greenland ice sheet is melting faster than ever, leading to a race for the new riches of the Arctic.
9/17 这一年,大量的科学论文阐述了北极冰层和格陵兰冰雪融化的速度比以往任何时候的快,创造了北极融化英尺数新高。
A long time ago, back in June of 2009, we were planning the launch of my novel the Year of the Flood and I was building a website for it.
很久以前,那是2009年的6月份,我们正在计划发布我的新小说the Year of the Flood,而我也正准备为此创建一个网站。
"Revolutionary" diet books flood the market this time of year, promising a life changed permanently and for the better - yes, in just 10 to 30 days!
Destroyed farmland is the most distressing loss for farmers. The flood water covered over 10 hectares of early rice. 60-year old Ren Jinxiang is among the anxious farmers.
This paper briefs the technology characteristics of Radarsat SAR and its positive role in high speed response on the flood of this year.
The paper introduces a correlation model of both based on correlativity study watershed flood and el Nino year. A new way is found for the watershed flood forecast in el Nino year.
During the second half of last year a dominant theme in the emerging markets was the flood of capital inflows and a number of countries actively acted to stem the tide.
Results The average area of snail reappearance and the average area of snail diffusion were 2.56 times and 2.16 times higher in flood year than general year respectively.
In this paper, the writer thinks that the first year of Honghua should be 1679, the eighteenth year of Kangxi in which no big flood had happened in the Jialing River Bain.
The rainfall in Shandong Province during flood season witnessed an evident change in the year of 1979, after which there was an apparent decrease in the rainfall.
The rainfall in Shandong Province during flood season witnessed an evident change in the year of 1979, after which there was an apparent decrease in the rainfall.