She tried again, then the following day, thenonce more.
She tried again, then the following day, then once more.
Nothing then was altered in the plan, and orders were given to get under weigh next night, and, wind and weather permitting, to make the neutral island by the following day.
You'll typically see your eye doctor a day or two after your surgery, the following week and then again after a month to monitor healing.
If there was no result this second time, they were taken off to the sanatorium and given a dose of some foul-tasting brown medicine, and then the whole process was repeated the following day.
Then examine the Miscellaneous Events view of the server?s log.nsf for that day to see what the indexer is working on and for how long. You may see entries such as the following
然后检查该日服务器的 log.nsf的MiscellaneousEvents视图,以查看索引程序在这天做了什么以及做了多长时间。
Then you meet me here before noon on the following day, and you give me my 250 gold.
The following functions return the day of Thanksgiving for a given year. If no year is given then current year is used.
Oneach occasion, they were then asked how they felt the following day, and were tested on how well they could concentrate on tasks.
If the expiration 1 date of a time period falls on a holiday, then the day immediately following the holiday shall be regarded as the expiration date.
If you can't find time to hit the gym every day, then how about following a home exercise routine.
He will then rush back to the hospital to examine both corneas and to find a recipient who will come for the surgery the following day.
He will then rush back to the hospital to examine both corneas and to find a recipient who will come for the surgery the following day.