They reside in a cottage at the foot of the mountain.
The Ice trolls will be featured in Wrath of The Lich King. They reside in Zul'Drak.
Behavior: patterns concerned with functionality but not necessarily where they reside in classes.
The smaller the town they reside in, the more peer pressure they face, which they pass on to you.
They reside in large complexes, in every cellular compartment, and to some extent even outside cells.
NIEM sub-schemas easily combine with state and industry sub-schemas because they reside in their own namespaces.
NIEM 子模式很容易与州和行业子模式组合在一起,因为它们有自己的名称空间。
We leave it to you to determine what those metrics are, what systems they reside in, and the type of APIs through which they can be accessed.
In addition, updates to the binary files are more easily applied as they reside in one location per physical machine, even when multiple profiles are configured.
Text classification is an important branch in data mining filed, which is responsible for automatically dealing with those class-unknown texts and judging which pre-defined class sets they reside in.
Only one or a few people might know what libraries need to be used in a build and where they reside, for instance.
These classes would become part of our application, but they would ultimately reside in the OS, not in our application.
That may be because these anecdotes display insiders’ familiarity, and often an implied intimacy, with distinguished academics and the elite institutions in which they reside.
That may be because these anecdotes display insiders' familiarity, and often an implied intimacy, with distinguished academics and the elite institutions in which they reside.
These database partitions can reside on the same machine to exploit all the CPU power of a multi-core system, or they can be spread across multiple machines in a shared-nothing configuration.
They have yearnings and fears that reside in an inner beast you could call The Big Shaggy.
They are obligated to reside in their designated residence for life — with few exceptions.
Regardless, for two applications to reside in the same trust domain they must be trusted.
Once you've selected the directory where the plug-ins reside, they appear in the list of product extensions.
Valuable data assets reside in nonvolatile memory so they are protected against the loss of electrical power - regardless of whether the loss is deliberate.
Method element descriptions are completed and reviewed; i.e., they all reside in RMC.
Experts agree that job seekers should stay in the city they currently reside and do the job search from there.
Ilana Goor and her family had lived in la California for 20 years before they moved to New York City where they reside alternately with Old Jaffa, Israel.
This is because they reside within the C runtime library (libc.so), which was not (in this case) compiled with -pg and, hence, no profiling is gathered for any functions within this library.
这是因为这些函数都是在C运行时库(libc.so)中的,(在本例中)它们都没有使用 -pg进行编译,因此就没有对这个库中的函数收集剖析信息。
Unlike DataStage stages, assembly steps can iterate lists that can reside in any level of the hierarchical input and produce output that is contained in the input list they iterate.
与DataStage stages 不同的是,程序集步骤可以迭代可位于分层输入任何层次的列表,且生成的输出包含在它们迭代的输入列表中。
Most of us don't live in houses built from trees; they generally reside in our ideas of elven fairy tales or back-to-nature die-hards.
Most of us don't live in houses built from trees; they generally reside in our ideas of elven fairy tales or back-to-nature die-hards.