He lay thinking for a while and then Mary saw his beautiful smile begin and gradually change his whole face.
QC algorithms involve thinking in terms of probabilistic factors, a conceptual change for current programmers.
Q c算法涉及就概率因子进行思考,对于现在的程序员而言,这是概念上的变化。
“A man is what he thinks about all day long.” Anyone who has successfully changed a bad habit knows that right thinking is the foundation for change.
The country's wider problems call for a change in thinking.
If we do this exercise one time per day, every day for one month, we may notice a change or a shift in our thinking about ourselves and about our place in the world.
By this time, I'm thinking that it might be good for a change.
You'll be thinking about yourself for a change, and you may see a goal of great importance come to fruition.
Has become a local brand of a new force in embroidery and embroidery for the local change in the mode of creating a new way of thinking.
Let me change the bag for you, to a clean one. Otherwise, this one is dirty, you might throw it away thinking it's garbage.
Peter Drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations. He used terms like "knowledge workers" and "management goals."
A better approach, however, is to be far more proactive and to use change as a stimulus for problem solving which, in turn, triggers creative thinking.
As a universal thinking mode for human beings, metaphor has long functioned as an important factor of lexical meaning change, which is by nature a metaphorized process based on cognition.
We want students to change their thinking time, not in a greenhouse in the flowers, a strong test for us to face life, so far away from their depression.
The change in research method will ask for a change in thinking style, and that will further in turn ask for a change in the epistemic instrument.
For a long time, we have been used to a still and isolated thinking style. The emplacement of project-based learning will change our thinking and learning methods completely.
I have been thinking about for my family, for what I have to change, even a little, I hope that my fate is good, and is willing to God bless.
At the same time, this relationship will change your thinking, for the experience of it will cause both of you to regard the world in a new light.
Yes. I'm thinking of having some Japanese food for a change. Can you tell me if there is Japanese restaurant near here?
All the same, no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition: that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression.
Change your way of thinking for a happier vacation.
If the idea of continuing down the professional path you're on is more stressful than thinking about pursuing something new, you're probably due for a career change, she says.
If the idea of continuing down the professional path you're on is more stressful than thinking about pursuing something new, you're probably due for a career change, she says.