For horizontal alignment, this must be consistent with the message model.
Consistent with this idea, according to the investigators, is the fact that the art of the cultural period that followed the Upper Paleolithic also seems to reflect how people got their food.
This result is consistent with the findings of Garnett & Tobin.
The scientists' description of the interloper is certainly consistent with the bloom shown in this image.
Maybe this is consistent with a change in the constants, but this would be the very first, and it would just change our view of the laws of nature.
This is consistent with the user's experience, since the permissions of the target file, not the symbolic link itself, are what govern their interactions with that file.
This still implies the failure levels consistent with commodity hardware, but the approaches do improve on it.
The US strategy on this issue is not, at least for the moment, consistent with strategies elsewhere.
This approach is consistent with the way that I have depicted the gradual increase in Change Control Rigor in Figure 1.
This is consistent with the sector's huge shift into deficit between 1992 and 2007.
The results from this current study are consistent with findings reported previously from two earlier NHANES surveys.
This is entirely consistent with the proposed model and should be used if the response has no business implication.
This was consistent with the semantics of the MQGET API call which was issued by the nodes but it was not always what was required for every application.
This new initiative is fully consistent with the 2004 FDA produce Safety Action Plan goal of minimizing the incidence of foodborne illness associated with the consumption of fresh produce.
The good news is that the data on the disk is consistent with the data in the cache, and this is very good.
This is consistent with the page size units given to the onspaces command.
This is consistent with the WebSphere MQ command set, which USES REPOS as a parameter.
This license is also consistent with the license adopted by the OpenSearch community, whose work relates to the OpenService Format spec.
This announcement, when you think about it, is consistent with the pricing strategy of the past.
In order to participate in a governance program, this usually means integrating the tools with a consistent framework for analysis and reporting.
This is consistent with the modus operandi of the now famous Montauk experiments in time travel, which were driven by the enhanced mental power of one man, Duncan Cameron.
For vertical alignment, this should be consistent with the physical data model that is used to generate the database schema.
The team then reviewed that LDM with business analysts and development teams to ensure the definition and standards of this LDM are consistent with the rest of the organization.
The practices in this category describe specific guidelines to support consistent operation between the various parties involved with development.
The UML Port is extremely consistent with this definition.
UM l端口是非常符合这个定义的。
Consistent with this reality of industry-level standards consortiums, the industry in general needs to formally address this situation through standards.
This distinction between greed and enterprise is consistent with the powerful negative implications associated with greed.
Again, finding two pieces of documentation will assist with the double check, and this is consistent with claims practice in numerous industries.
The problem with this setup is that in order to keep the master data consistent, these systems need to be integrated with synchronization.
The problem with this setup is that in order to keep the master data consistent, these systems need to be integrated with synchronization.