Yeah. This is a big house with a garden. I like it very much.
The CBO figures show that this is a big problem with the House plan, whose shortfall will balloon beyond the ten-year horizon.
She just signed papers completing her purchase on a house in Atlanta. This is a big milestone in anyone's life, especially for someone who has recently graduated.
Having such a powerful and energetic planet in this house is a big deal, and you haven't seen your ruler in this house in two years.
There is a big kitchen in this house.
The soap opera was at a lower level in this week's episode, but that's because next weeks "big choice" is being set up House has to fire one of the three Young Gun doctors.
This atmosphere is like a thick glass to turn earth into a big warm house.
Mom is usually home on Sunday but this week she was going to a big golf game and I was all alone in the house.
Mice afraid of cats, that is a truth. But today the mice in a big house want to change this piece of truth. They have got an idea. Is it really a good idea?
This is no big deal if it is just a flat tire2 on a car or a broken television in a house.
Finally one day, each brick big cat in the house, it is such a mark: This is a small squirrel brick.
Finally one day, each brick big cat in the house, it is such a mark: This is a small squirrel brick.