This is what I say the word every morning.
Well, the first observation is that the velocity vector what can I say about the velocity vector of this motion?
What I mean is that one company might say to another company, "Lets partner on this contract."
So instead of saying "this is what she said," it would be fairer for me to say, "this is what I got, or at least what I remember."
This, of course, is what we've studied recurrently and, I have to say, empirically because these are all empirical facts about language, as the Russian formalists insisted.
This is what I tried to say by way of a parable or a song in The Echo.
I have read much about America and American houses, and I do not think that this is exhibit and what you say is strictly accurate.
And this is what linguists do for a living so if you hear me talking about this and say, "I want to spend the next forty years of my life studying that," you should become a linguist.
We haven't conducted a systematic study of this yet, so what I say is anecdotal for the moment, but there seems to be very widespread agreement about it, ” she says.
But what I want to say is this. You are not alone.
Comment:I normally really don't like cutesy photos of babies, but this is really neat and very fun I have to say: what a lovely imagination!
His manner is almost apologetic: I wish I could bring you less exciting news of the future, but I've looked at the numbers, and this is what they say, so what else can I tell you?
I sit in my field. I'm eating my carrot. I hold it up and I say, "This is raw? It's ridiculous. 'Raw' as opposed to what?" Right?
I don't know what to say. This is ridiculous.
And I hope so. This is what you were meant for. Say you love me, say yes, say yes.
While none of this stuff is exactly bland, the closure techniques (or should I say recipes) you'll learn this month are definitely a little more spicy than what you've tried so far.
What I will say is that Leo needs to address the real issue in this debate.
The focus of this article is on becoming an expert. But before concluding, I want to say a word about what happens when you finally achieve your aim.
And what we find is that half the people we show this to just don't notice the gorilla, and if you ask them about it, they say I missed what?
OK and the reason for this equality here is because we go twice through the inner part. What do I want to say?
I would say that is the most general answer to what is this formula, what are these differentials.
I should say this is an example, in case you were wondering what I was doing. We have also actually seen how to change variables to more complicated coordinate systems.
He instructed them: "This is what you are to say to my master Esau: 'Your servant Jacob says, I have been staying with Laban and have remained there till now."
I found the question about whether this is so, so extraordinary that I barely knew what to say.
I have to convince you of one of my premises to even get started Off course what I might do is say will you take this for the sake of the argument.
OK, so the other thing I wanted to say is, what does this theorem say physically?
OK, so the other thing I wanted to say is, what does this theorem say physically?