This military operation requires the Arab states to reaffirm support for the coalition and contribute their own arms, forces and cash.
This military operation was originally proposed by Montgomery planned, due to a number of unfavorable factors and plans for the obvious flaws, attacks have been canceled.
First, we have to clear up Swat because that's very important for the military and the government—to bring this operation to a logical conclusion.
This is not NATO's first military operation.
Because of this transition to a broader, NATO-based coalition, the risk and cost of this operation — to our military and to American taxpayers — will be reduced significantly.
Because of this transition to a broader, NATO-based coalition, the risk and cost of this operation - to our military and to American taxpayers - will be reduced significantly.
A motion controller with DSP for military operation robot is introduced in this pa-per.
This week, the American military campaign in Iraq changed names - and goals. The campaign had been called Operation Iraqi Freedom. Now, it is known as Operation New Dawn.
At the end of this year, America's military operation in Iraq will be over.
Mr Steinmeier asserted this month that peace was "no longer based on military deterrence but on the willingness for co-operation."
Both prototypes are the first vehicles launched from International's new military business operation and represent International's commitment to growth in this market.
Through the research, this article strives to provide information and reference to the Chinese ships next capital operation and the state-owned Military enterprise to carry out capital operation.
Through the research, this article strives to provide information and reference to the Chinese ships next capital operation and the state-owned Military enterprise to carry out capital operation.