Soon the wearer of a virtual reality headset will be able to be "present" at sporting or theatrical events staged thousands of miles away.
Thousands of miles away Sam might be busy walking in the street of Berlin.
We can see nearly everything happening thousands of miles away and communicate with people in different lands without leaving home.
How could he hope to keep Louisiana, thousands of miles away across the Atlantic, as long as Britain was "Empress of the Seas"?
My ailing father was thousands of miles away.
Handwritten message, blessing thousands of miles away.
Unfortunately, all of my son's relatives live thousands of miles away.
You can easily work from home and/or with people thousands of miles away.
They allow an official sitting in America to kill someone thousands of miles away.
Voters thousands of miles away struggle to remember why their soldiers are dying there.
In some cases, their closest living relatives are found hundreds or thousands of miles away.
I am thousands of miles away from my mother and my children are hundreds of miles away from me.
Heading straight south, an almost identical scene is happening in Yunnan thousands of miles away.
People thousands of miles away can get access to this post within seconds of my hitting “Publish.”
Through the Internet, email allows us to communicate nearly instantly with people thousands of miles away.
Thousands of miles away in Kenya, his half-brother will be facing a rather different audience in a Nairobi courtroom.
Her picture hangs on the wall of my office, reminding me that, thousands of miles away in Asia, a nation is oppressed.
People whose close friends were obese were more likely to be obese, even if those friends lived thousands of miles away.
ANN ARBOR, mich.-scholarly gems are often found by sifting through dusty archives in foreign lands thousands of miles away.
In order to truly enjoy your study abroad experience you can't be hung up on your girlfriend, who is thousands of miles away.
Experts are puzzling over a possible link to an undersea quake thousands of miles away in the Pacific Ocean on September 29th.
“Thousands of miles away from home,” Mr Brooks writes, “diplomats still carried their domestic cultural norms inside their heads.”
The fall-out would be felt thousands of miles away from the Arctic, unleashing a global sea level rise of 23ft (7 metres), Alley warned.
Branch IT environments are also usually connected to the corporate data center, which could be thousands of miles away from some branches.
The point is that it is hard to get a sense of this disaster's scale, even from up close but all the more so from thousands of miles away.
We were in our third year in San Francisco -- thousands of miles away from my family in Britain -- and we were parents, exhausted but happy.
I was living thousands of miles away at that point, so it was a time of air travel, hefty long-distance bills, and great, poetic use of email.
"We have learned that oceans do not protect us, and threats that gather thousands of miles away can now find us here at home," said Dick Cheney.
他说:“ 9·11让我们认识到海洋保护不了我们,即使远在万里之外,恐怖和威胁如今也能找上门来。”
"We have learned that oceans do not protect us, and threats that gather thousands of miles away can now find us here at home," said Dick Cheney.
他说:“ 9·11让我们认识到海洋保护不了我们,即使远在万里之外,恐怖和威胁如今也能找上门来。”