Dreaming about seeing through walls may sound silly.
Wow! Can I punch through walls?
These boxes will show up through walls.
Superman has the power to see through walls.
He was also a man who tried to walk through walls.
The old god understand, he promised to teach him through walls.
Learn to fly. Walk through walls. Have some fun. It's totally learnable.
A spooky, scary, and white ghost can go through walls and could control people.
Blast through walls and charge ahead, or find hidden paths to sneak up on enemies unawares!
Not only that, they would also have the ability to become invisible at will and to walk through walls.
Norman, who dabbled with spiritualism, apparently informed a colleague that he could walk through walls.
Through-wall surveillance (TWS) is a kind of detection technology which can go through walls and other obstacles.
That's a big plus over conventional remote controls that use infrared, a technology that doesn't work through walls.
UWB radar can see right through walls, ceilings and floors that would block or reflect other types of radio signals.
As dungeon master you can use special commands that manipulate the world, create items and walk and see through walls.
We had passed through walls of piled bones, with casks and puncheons intermingling, into the inmost recesses of the catacombs.
A press release from MIT announced a new radar technology, developed in their LABS, which claims the ability to see through walls.
This is because the character controller which is used to prevent the enemy from moving through walls is using a capsule to represent the AI.
这时因为胶囊代表的人工智能使用的特性控制器(character controller)会阻止敌人穿墙移动。
Since light does not travel through walls, there would be no need to worry about neighbours snooping on your e-mail, or piggybacking on your broadband connection.
Since light does not travel through walls, there would be no need to worry about neighbours snooping on your email, or piggybacking on your broadband connection.
The biggest drawback to the technology is that it cannot travel through walls, because it requires a direct line of sight between the transmitter and the user's device.
The destruction of the defending obturation of all kinds of pipelines through walls and floors in civil air defense engineering under explosion shock waves is currently focused on.
Yang's departure comes just a few days after he reiterated his dedication to the company, telling a crowd at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco that he would "run through walls" for Yahoo.
就在杨致远此次离任前几天他还重申自己要与公司荣誉与共:三藩市举行的Web 2.0峰会上 杨致远对听众表示他愿意为雅虎 "上天入地" ("runthrough walls").
Plan ahead and figure out which pipes could potentially freeze. Water pipes running through unheated crawl Spaces and pipes running through walls to the outside are prime candidates for freezing.
Mitochondria give eukaryotes four or five orders of magnitude more energy per gene, and that enabled them to tunnel straight through the walls of the chasm.
She's proud of having worked through the "walls of difficulty" and of all the hours and months spent editing chapters at this low plastic chair, but not necessarily of the novel itself.
她为自己成功地穿越一道又一道 “困难之墙”而自豪,也为耗费无数的小时和日月,坐在那把低矮的塑料椅子编辑章节(不一定就是那本小说)而感到骄傲。
She moves through the trailer gripping at counters and walls to steady herself, using her bright purple cane only when necessary.
Tonight was yet another night with my head under my pillow, attempting to drown out the music that felt like an earthquake through the walls of our house.
Tonight was yet another night with my head under my pillow, attempting to drown out the music that felt like an earthquake through the walls of our house.