In video service system, JMF provides a unified construction and correspondence agreement to manage the gain, processing and the transmission of the time-based media.
Prerecorded video-only: Either an alternative for time-based media or an audio track is provided that presents equivalent information for prerecorded video-only content.
Prerecorded video-only: Either an alternative for time-based media or an audio track is provided that presents equivalent information for prerecorded video-only content.
The streaming media, such as video, audio, is a time based media that is transmitted in network by streaming technology.
But measuring the impact of social media beyond counting the number of retweets or using web-based tool Klout, which measures online influence, would require more time and a new method.
For example, you can refine the query plan based on your database design, access time of the media, or CPU speed for your specific supported devices.
The measurement and inspection methods based on ultrasonic technology usually request accurate measuring the propagation time of ultrasonic wave in media.
Therefore, the prediction formula of the water breakthrough time is derived based on fluid flow in porous media, considering the impact of anti-condensate.
Relatively less is known about abstract artists who experimented with film or other time - based visual media such as interactive or virtual environments and site specific installations.
Relatively less is known about abstract artists who experimented with film or other time - based visual media such as interactive or virtual environments and site specific installations.