Over time, unprotected exposure can contribute to cataracts, as well as cancer of the eyelids and the skin around the eyes.
This means that exposure time can be extremely short even in poorly lit conditions.
This way, any vibrations induced by the mirror have time to settle down before the exposure begins.
The researchers believe that the sunburns will worsen over time, due to increased ultraviolet radiation exposure.
So continuous exposure over time could leave substantial amounts of inflammatory particles in the brain, he speculates.
You could use a tripod and a long exposure time.
Get enough sun exposure, he says, and skin will wrinkle long before its time.
A long exposure time captured stars (seen as white flecks in the sky) and the exceptional light in this image.
The long exposure time required for moonlight photography often means that the moon may have moved significantly over the course of the exposure.
Usually one can first meter using a larger aperture (so that the metered exposure time is under 30 seconds), then stop down as necessary and multiply the exposure time accordingly.
You will be exposing both the lightning and the foreground and background when you are taking these pictures. The ambient light will determine your exposure time.
with repeated exposure over time, you cross that threshold, and your body reacts.
The only proven biological effect of radiation at Chernobyl was an increase in thyroid cancer among those who were children at the time of exposure.
托马斯(Gerry Thomas)指出,切尔诺贝利核扩散可能增加儿童甲状腺癌症发生率的风险性预测,唯一能得到生物学效应证明的只是那些当时直接暴露在核辐射下的儿童。
It has a wide-aperture lens to capture as much light as possible, and the technology requires no clunky auto-focus mechanism. It adjusts exposure time automatically.
Poor outcomes are largely related not only to dosage but to a woman's stage of pregnancy at the time of exposure; first and second trimesters are of the most concern.
Or maybe we’re somehow transformed over time by our darkened working environments and exposure to computer screen radiation.
A long exposure time captured stars in this photo-and the brief balanced light from both a fading moon and a brightening eastern sky.
The exposure time was 114 minutes.
Reducing the time spent in sunlight helps minimise exposure to UV radiation, which creates free radicals known to damage and age tissues prematurely.
In people, XPA is at prime DNA-repairing levels in the morning, which thus looks the safest time for UV exposure.
A full moon can be a savior for reducing the required exposure time and allowing for extended depth of field, while a moonless night greatly increases star visibility.
The prolonged exposure to these free radicals over time will cause progressive vicariations, which lead to cellular damage and eventual joint destruction.
Photos are unavoidably limited by the trade-off between depth of field, exposure time and image noise.
Captured in this 60 second time exposure made on April 14, a yellow-tinged Mars and M44 are near the center of the field, seemingly just beyond the reach of a pine tree.
这张曝光60秒的照片摄于4月14日,微黄色调的火星和M 44接近视场的中心,看似就在松树的顶端之外。
Under those conditions photographers shoot with a fast exposure time and small aperture. That makes it impossible to capture faint objects in a dark background, such as stars.
Under those conditions photographers shoot with a fast exposure time and small aperture. That makes it impossible to capture faint objects in a dark background, such as stars.