I don't see search changing all that much - in a real-time sense.
Don't worry; your 'time sense' will improve with more open water practice.
Some researches suggested that during being online, the time sense, space sense, reality perception and self-perception of those with Network addiction would change.
Possessed of the most remarkable time sense of the period between wars, his disillusioned temperament and technical skill have influenced a whole generation of writer.
I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each CD. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.
The passing of time brought a sense of emptiness.
After six months, the employees who participated in ROWE reported reduced work-family conflict and a better sense of control of their time, and they were getting a full hour of extra sleep each night.
It's a hobby that I've stuck with, and it continues to help me cope with stress at work, provide a sense of order in hectic days, and allow my brain time to solve problems.
People who enter a state of flow lose their sense of time and have a feeling of great satisfaction.
If you age more slowly over a longer time period, then you are in some sense younger for longer.
If you want to reduce boredom and increase your sense of meaning, seek work where you can make a unique contribution, or find a cause you can support with your time and talent.
It would make sense to give the fish enough time to recover, grow to full sizes and reproduce, then catch them in a way that doesn't kill other innocent sea life.
"I never seed no sense in th' Doxology afore," he said hoarsely, "but I may change my mind i' time."
Leah reflects on a time she listened to the whispers: "About the time my daughter was five years old, I started having a sense that 'this isn't right.'"
It is a term for the Japanese words for "megaphone" and "translate", which actually makes g lot of sense because it's a megaphone that can translate Japanese into several other languages in real time.
If you have more money than time, it makes sense to make a donation to non-profit organizations that help poor people.
This form of "self-governance" is possible within long-standing amateur organizations that, over time, are able to build a sense of responsibility to community members, as well as society in general.
Some people think the festival is the happiest time of a year, even better than the Spring Festival, because food gives people a sense of safety and hope.
White said his team wanted to see whether living in greener urban areas had a lasting positive effect on people's sense of well-being or whether the effect also disappeared after a period of time.
In a sense, Marconi's vision jumped from his time to our own.
Leah reflects on a time she listened to the whispers: "About the time my daughter was five years old, I started having a sense that 'this isn't right'."
Peter has a sense of humour and is able to make people laugh at any time.
It makes sense that if you want to have good academic performance, you should invest your time in study.
If you're investing with a long time horizon, having an equity bias makes sense, stocks go up in the long run.
But when it came to their houses, it was a time of common sense and a belief that less could truly be more.
However, his proposition was rejected largely based on other scientific beliefs held at the time, which all made sense in a way even if they were incorrect.
People are often hesitant to terminate a project when they've already invested time or resources into it, even if it might make logical sense to do so.
When children start school for the very first time, parents often feel a sense of excitement coupled with a touch of sadness at the end of an era.
They say that before the age of 7 children do not have a sense of time and place in their memories.
They say that before the age of 7 children do not have a sense of time and place in their memories.