It is particularly important that all births are attended by skilled health professionals, as timely management and treatment can make the difference between life and death.
They and the little girl, in the rubble of the reactor can not help themselves, if not timely rescue of their officers and men, these people's lives will be at risk, by the death of oppression.
Timely, appropriate and safe blood transfusion during and after Labour and delivery can make the difference between life and death for many women and their newborns.
For some of the most deadly childhood diseases, such as measles, vaccines are available and timely completion of immunization protects a child from this illness and death.
Early assessment such as accurate diagnosis, prompt treatment and timely treatment of complications of acute ischemic stroke can reduce death and disability risk.
Anakin collapsed, but was spared death by the timely arrival of Jedi Master Yoda, who battled Dooku.
Conclusion Sedative amnestic slow induction anesthesia with nasotracheal intubation and timely extubation are effective measures in preventing perioperative death of OSAHS.
Early diagnosis may be important because secondary local and systemic infection may supervene and, without timely and appropriate intervention, the disease often leads to sepsis and death.
Timely discovery of the negative effects and corresponding measures can increase the cure rate and decrease the death rate.
Conclusion: the high-risk pregnant women should be carried in special management, timely follow-up and appropriate interventions, to reduce the perinatal children's death.
The nose is the most loved parts of oil, not timely settlement, oil mixed with a lot of precipitation, the death of endothelial cells are small spots.
The nose is the most loved parts of oil, not timely settlement, oil mixed with a lot of precipitation, the death of endothelial cells are small spots.