I put a check in the envelope and taped it back to the bin.
When you come to a closed door, check it with the back of your hand.
After that time, caches will always check back with the origin server to see if a document is changed. Expires headers are supported by practically every cache.
The ANSI T10 standard provides a way to check the integrity of data read and written from the host bus adapter to the disk and back through the SAN fabric.
ANSIT10标准提供一种方法检查从主机总线适配器 (HBA)通过SAN 光纤写到磁盘和读取回的数据的完整性。
For instance, many major Banks now offer smartphone apps that allow you to make a deposit by taking a picture of the front and back of the check.
This operation sends back a response, which gives you the opportunity to check the response code to see whether or not it was successful (not shown).
A manual back-end process is currently required in EVS to follow-up on potential false-positive export check results.
So I plaster on a smiling face and sit down to meaningless chatter, but not for long. Dark thoughts rush back to consciousness; I run upstairs to check the CD player for the third time.
Developers check out source code from the central repository into a local sandbox and, after making changes, commit it back to the central repository.
To check your changed files back into the repository, you perform a commit.
Tracking down a missing customer data update may require the Incident Analyst to check the diagnostics on the J2EE server and the existing back-end systems.
It is going to give me back a tuple a collection of two things, and so check out the syntax.
You can go to the back-end database table to check the contents; you will find a corresponding record has been successfully added to the table.
Flipping forth and back between those two states is a good test to check for basic client functionality.
So as the seasons change and the days grow shorter, it's a good time not only to look back at some of our favorite images of this natural phenomenon, but check out some new pictures, too.
Once a substantial number of users know about your site and content, will they come back each day to check for updates?
This means that you are guaranteed to be able to check the element back in without having to do a merge.
It is a four-digit number printed on the label which will be attached to the back of your ID during the check in procedure, on the day of the test.
Check back in a few hours to compare the rate of decay and the resulting smells.
The implementation of this cookie check is performed as a redirect back to the page being accessed.
Going back to the command line, in the app directory, you can perform a grep for paintbrush to check if there is any other place that could contain the relevant code.
Check back next month for a look at the approach I'm taking to make this unlikely combination work together for the next generation of the JiBX framework.
The behavior policies define which pages the crawler will bring down to the indexer, how often to go back to a Web site to check it again, and something called a politeness policy.
If you're not heading back to the classroom, but would love to still take a "class", check out these email-courses.
And even now, if I go on vacation or don't check my email for too long, I can get in a heap of trouble: the email piles up, and it can be a real chore getting back to my empty inbox.
即使到如今,如果我去度了个假,或是好久没有检查e -Mail,我就有麻烦了:邮件堆积如山,要全部处理完可真是伤透脑筋。
That’s great; I want to be free!” “Okay, I’ll check back with you in a few weeks.”
那太棒了,我要自由!” “好的,几周之后我会过来看看。”
Check in with your boss and coworkers: Check in with your boss and coworkers as a courtesy to let them know you're back.
Back in his cell, Michael stands with his arm out the front doors, using a mirror to check the location of the guards.
Back in his cell, Michael stands with his arm out the front doors, using a mirror to check the location of the guards.